The House on Mango Street Analysis

Trying to understand people has been one of the problems that has plagued people from all walks of life for years. We've been reflecting on our personal lives, noting that the influence of others has a significant impact on our lives. In any situation, an individual is not an island, and they cannot do something that will have an impact on others without considering the consequences. Anything a person does has an immediate effect on one or two people who are either directly or indirectly connected to him or her. It's been difficult to have a personal life that isn't influenced by close relatives or coworkers. ‘‘A Smart Cookie,’’ is a narrative which has been used to propagate the theme of effects on one's lives to the others. The author has used the space to explain how his mother used to talk about him and relate the talks to his personal life. As she was cooking she happened to be an irritated mother where she utters; ‘‘I could’ve been somebody, you know? Esperanza you go to school study hard.’’ (Sandra, 91) By the words, the mother is trying to have impact on the power of words to the bring change in character to him. The author uses the symbol of a spoon being pointed to the person the message is directed to, to ensure the message reaches home with its due authority from a parent.

The words from the mother are good prove how different people have been trying to make a change in the lives of other through authoritative influence. To propagate more on the theme the author literates, ‘‘but Sally doesn’t tell about that time he hit her with his hands just like a dog, she said, like if I was an animal.’’ (Sandra, 92) Being hit like a dog was a way of letting him change from the initial characters.

Works Cited

Cisneros, Sandra. "The House on Mango Street." New York: Vintage (1991): 137-47. 1984.

Works Cited

Cisneros, Sandra. "The House on Mango Street." New York: Vintage (1991): 137-47. 1984.

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