The documentary - Einstein’s Wife Controversy

The Public Broadcasting Service documentary about Mileva Maric

"Einstein's Wife," which broadcast in October 2003, sparked public outrage over the underrepresentation of women in science. Geraldine Hilton, an Australian writer, claimed that Maric made a significant contribution to the "Annus Mirabilis Papers of 1905." She carried out the investigation and created several algorithms. Additionally, current proof of her math proficiency is provided by their undergraduate friendship with Albert Einstein. According to the documentary, Albert would send letters to her expressing how much he missed her and their performance would fluctuate by a negligible amount, like 0.1. Because famous Albert Einstein prevented his lame wife from sharing her gift with the world by making her pregnant.

The research paper will review the controversy surrounding the documentary and extracting how the history of how the science was done. Furthermore, the writer and producer of the program together with Allen Esterson and Alberto Martinez contributions would be examined to determine the claims and controversy surrounding Maric Einstein.

To start with, we must learn about the life of Mileva Maric before meeting Albert Einstein. Mileva Maric was born in 1875 in the town of Titel Serbia. His parents were members of the royal family in the community. Maric attended high school during the last years girls were allowed to join the school in Serbia. Due to her qualification from the high school, her father obtained authorization from the Minister of education to attend the physics lecture that was initially reserved for boys in the country. All through, her classmates described her as brilliant but not talkative. She always found the underlying cause of the issues by herself. Afterwards, her family relocated from Zurich to Novi Sad in 1894. The background information provided the original belief that she had the capabilities of contributing to Einstein's self-proclaimed research but did not mind talking about it.

In Michale Gertler's defense affidavit on the defendant

The Ombudsman stated that the Australian filmmaker with Association Broadcasting Corp. The head editors and producer at Meliva describes the review of the documentary as containing core facts about the historical events in Mileva's. In the website the presents the resources used in the classroom to encourage, the student to discuss issues connected to social bias, science, and cultural change. The evidence regarding Einstein's wife is still running, and they are DVDs on the document proving the convincing reasons of the possible participation in Albert Einstein.

Michale Getler motion of facts in Einsteins

Explains that Maric was somehow involved professionally in the inventions of Albert Einstein. In any case, was Maric get included, or did she play some professional and expert/logical part of the research? Or team up on, any of the significant leaps forward and commitments that Einstein is most broadly credited with; particularly those of that "marvel year" 1905 when he created papers about the structure of light (that inevitably won a Nobel Prize), nuclear hypothesis, the unique hypothesis of relativity, and the equality of mass and torque? In the arguments, Getler claimed that there had been a connection of Maric's role together with the controversy surrounding academicians, authors, linguists, and scientists over the submerged identity. Unfortunately, it was this similar circumstance the controversy of Einstien's Wife landed following the airing of PBS documentary and Website postings. The issue raised global concern and public domain. The following writers and publishing that developed different views.

Allen Esterson

Allen Esterson claimed that he came to learn about the web and film existence in 2005. He described the documentary to have been inaccurate and failed in many places to expose the engagement of Einstein's wife in the Great Inventor. Besides, Esterson claimed that the documentary rated the standards of historical accuracy. Ultimately, he illustrated the film to have first information about scientific research and that it was a mastermind of past deception. In the review of his opinions regarding the movie, Getler received a couple of extensive online writing from the viewers criticizing Esterson's stance. They say that Esterson seeks political popularity rather than providing concrete evidence to counter the arguments raised in the documentary.

Esterson background

Illustrates that he graduated with a degree in physics from the Universty of College London in 1958. He further enrolled as Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics in the College of Further Education based in London pending his retirement in 1994. He states, "What is truly shocking, he wrote, is that PBS, which proclaims itself to be the largest educator in the US, should be part to the travesty of education represented by its 'Einstein's Wife' teaching material. Let us be clear about this, "documentary and website are comprised of misconceptions, demonstrably false assertions, and dubious third or fourth-hand hearsay statements and gossips presented as a historical fact. He provided links to his articles and critiques of the documentary and Web site material including the school lesson plans. I'll get those further along in this column."

Esterson claimed

That he several emails supported his opinion because lectures such as John Stachel and Robert Schumann who edited Collected Papers of Albert Einstein research material in question did not realize any connectiono of his wife. Prof Schumann taught in the College of Emeritus in the field of Physics that was considered the Center of Einstein Studies at Boston University. In the chain of emails, he revealed the series of falsehood presented in the documentary. On the contrary, the Editorial Policies of Public Broadcasting Service states that Integrity and honesty in the information channeled must heavily depend on verifiable facts and sources. The media house must always strive to provide issues accurately and relate them to the setting. Any materials such as websites, programs that contain editorials, presentation and analysis of issues must be able to air points that are true just like news reports. The media house must also be committed and willing to rectify and change any incorrect that raises any doubts and questions from the audience and viewers. In the evaluation of the above statement by Getler, it is possible to deduce that Esterson acts on a personal basis but Public Broadcasting Service acts a group of people. Furthermore, the corporation policies override any particular interests. Therefore, any content produced must undergo sure editorial scrutiny to eliminate biases and private interests. In my judgments, the materials, I would declare the documentary legit since Esterson did not explain what Mirac was doing during the Einstein investigation following that Mirac was smart in mathematics as Albert.

Alberto Martinez 'Handling Evidence in History'

Alberto A. Martinez is a 26 expert in theoretical physics of his own. After receiving his certificate of the patent, he published single four extraordinary papers that substantially change the phase of physics. Alberto says that many people believe that the story is true about 1905 history. However, there have been doubts his qualifications in physics. Professionals doubt if it is possible to achieve several physics theories in a single year. Several hypotheses explain that Albert Einstein productivity, however, others argue that there was a secret collaboration with his wife, Mileva Maric. The story becomes the greatest interest of the social historians of the famous physicist stealing credits from his wife. This gives rise to the championing of rights of women and encouragement of ladies to enroll in physics lessons. In the same way as other exceptional stories, it is maybe tempting to just question it, to reject it as fiction. However, if you are an educator, you may soon locate that some of your understudies ask you 'Is it genuine that Einstein's significant other co-created his acclaimed hypotheses? ' Because there are already a few books and many Internet sites that credit to Mileva Marić a contributing part of the making of Einstein's works.

The contemporary evidence shows

That old letters of Einstein and Maric spread in public domains in the 1980s. In some of the transcripts, Einsteins alluded to the collaborations and assistance he received from his wife, Mirac. Einstein terms such as 'our research' 'our paper' and most interesting 'our work relative motion' (Renn and Schulmann, 1992: 41, 39). Experts in the history of material science were entranced but inferred that such letters are recently excessively ambiguous and do not establish that Maric contributed to any of Einstein's distributions. In any case, many non-authorities also began to contemplate parts that Marić possibly played a role.

For example, in the Christopher's Jon Bjerknes editor of Albert Einstein work titled 'the incorrigible plagiarist (2002). Christopher argued that there is direct evidence from Albert's 'own pen that the works on relativity theory were a collaboration between Mileva and him' (p. 201). He quoted particular parts of the letter that were translated that reads, How happy and proud will I be when we both together have brought our work on the relative motion victoriously to its end!' (Stachel, 1987:282, trans. AM). People without sufficed knowledge would quickly conclude that the quotes from the letters represented the theory of relativity. The message literally does not mean relativism. In fact, Alberto notes that Bjerknes omits some crucial parts of the letter written in 1901. Nonetheless, Alberto reveals that the letter carried concrete evidence that Einstein received assistance and inspiration from his wife. In this essence, Alberto did not present his views to gains political mileage. Instead, he had facts that supported the documentary validity as opposed to Allen Esterson.


In summary, the history of 1905 theory from Einstein raised controversial issues relating to the validity of the information aired in the documentary proposing the possible cooperation with Mileva Maric in this invention. The opposing history about the subject did not present concrete evidence from any text but instead depended on opinions from lectures and scientists. Allen could convince the world of the inaccuracies and misconceptions he noticed in the documentary but instead needed political recognition. On the other hand, Alberto Martinez provided quoted evidence from Einstein's writing off 1901 as quoted above. The controversy exposed how Allen misused historical evidence to dispute credible facts. Nonetheless, Alberto reveals that the letter carried concrete evidence that Einstein received assistance and inspiration from his wife.


Paludi, Michele A., and William D. Bauer. "Goldberg revisited: What's in an author's name." Sex Roles 9, no. 3 (1983): 387-390.

Martínez, Alberto A. "Handling evidence in history: the case of Einstein's Wife." School Science Review 86, no. 316 (2005): 49-56.

Martínez, Alberto A. "Arguing about Einstein's wife." Physics World 17, no. 4 (2004): 14.

Allen, Esterson. "The collaboration of Mileva Maric and Albert Einstein." arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.08020 (2015).

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