The Concept of Speed Networking

Speed Networking Assignment

Speed networking was the topic of this week’s class assignment activity. The professor engaged all the students in a rigorous exercise that involved asking five questions to different classmates and listening to all responses. The assignment included questions on speed networking where each pair of students took 2 minutes to answer five questions. The topic entailed the practice of making connections and contacts with individuals to exploit potential opportunities with different people that share the same interests. Most students in the class practiced their visual and verbal abilities during the questions and answers activity. Exchanging information regarding speed networking and diverse opinions from the students offered an excellent opportunity to understand the concept in a detailed perspective.

Student Reactions and Interactions

Each student’s reaction was varied during the introduction of the assignment activity by the professor. Curious speculation was rife on the students’ faces as the professor wrote the first two questions on the board to kick off the activity. The beginning of the first round received interesting reactions and quick acceptance of the new challenge in the classroom. The beginning of the second round encouraged a welcome interaction. Interacting with each of the students in the classroom was fun and played a crucial role in breaking the ice especially on this first day. Our professor participated actively in removing the tension among the new faces in the classroom throughout the session. The repetitive nature of the activity worked well towards escaping any awkward situations in the room. After the ten rounds of questions, each of the students smiled with an appreciation of each other’s abilities. The happy faces indicated the admiration towards the students who answered the questions conclusively within a limited time. The interactive sessions in the class thrilled all participants. Each student embraced the opportunity to observe the nature of each student’s reactions, articulation of facts, and communication skills. The students and the professor were impressed with the questions and the detailed approach with each round of the entire session. Every student was elated by each of the classmate’s participation in the discussion using the professor’s questions as guidelines.

Personal Experience and Learning

Just like all other students, I liked the practicability of the sessions and the hands-on learning about the assignment. I was able to show my communication skills and knowledge to all students during my presentation with ease. The interactions also provided me with a new awareness of the diversity of the students and different reactions exhibited by other students. All the students appeared encouraged to continue engaging each other with discussions regarding various topics to promote a better and more original understanding. Involving all the students in getting all thoughts and answers in a logical format added the fun in the lesson. It was also easy to correct any mistakes made during the answers presentation. The professor assured all students that the session was not about competition, but the familiarization of the students, the topic, and the start of a warm relationship between the students.

Impressive Professor and Enjoyable Session

I was very impressed by the unique approach taken by the professor towards breaking the ice and setting the conversation rolling amongst the students. The exercise prepared all the students for speed networking events in the future. In the real world, such events will offer individuals a valuable opportunity to make connections with other like-minded people. Through networking, individuals will acquire essential links that will help in future professional life. The students showed a genuine liking for the professor and total enjoyment of the session.

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