Ted Talks Job Securement Plan

Ted talks, a non for profit organization, developed an initiative to reach out to young teenagers who were unemployed. The initiative was done after a series of meetings between the board members spearheading for the decision to help out teenagers from joblessness. The organization has created a website, which is set to be launched today in Newcastle, by the Minister of Planning, Rhodhek Tommy. The platform will be used by young teenagers to update on their status; immediately after finishing high school.

Ted Talk Job Securement plan under the website, www.tedtalkjobs.net

will offer a place where employers and young teens particularly within the age group of 19 to 25 will be meeting to share their ideas, which, in turn, would lead to employment of some jobless people. Mr. Rhodhek said: “The ted talk’s initiative is a good plan especially in solving the issues related to teenagers’ joblessness. The website will make it easy for our children to prosper at a young age and become competent worldwide.”

“We are still under research talks with the employment association members to foresee the working of this initiative and if the employers will like the move. Otherwise, the initiative is a very good idea in terms of information sharing.” In addition, the website will provide the links, which are associated with the ministry’s plans to eradicate joblessness in the community. The move will help solve problems such as substance addiction and abuse since the children will be actively participating in country affairs. “We must show them the way because we are leaders otherwise the trend will continue.” Said Mr. Rhodhek.

Ted Talks chairman spearheading the movement, Evans Kiln said the website on jobless eradication will be a common place where the employers and teens can meet and share out their grievances. “The teens must take advantage of this given that our work is very professional and known best worldwide. “ Mr. Kiln said: “Many non-profit platforms initiated to eradicate poverty end up dying due to corruption and mismanagement issues. The intended people who are supposed to get help are victimized.”

“We are looking forward to creating equality in the society where all persons count. The employers will be able to interact with teens in various fields of work to find out which of them suits their need.”

The platforms will, however, filter the applicants since the organization is mostly concerned with youngsters aged 19 to 25. The government’s concerns with youth affairs will be useful in the establishment of the concrete idea to solve problems faced in our midst.

Ted talks have gained a global reputation for their selfless work in ensuring a better society. The supporting organizations include Coordination Development Association (CDA) and the Youth Foundation Assistance (AFA).


Feature/Benefits Fact Sheet

Users will be chosen based on their age; the age limit is specifically for 19 to 25 years old.

The gender of the teenagers will not matter; either male or female within the age group will be eligible to use the website.

Employers will choose their employees according to their skills presented in the platform.

Equality will be enhanced; the initiative wants to do away with gender and racial favor as long as skills of work are presented.

The website will provide a dialog box where the employers can highlight the challenges they are facing using the platform.

The public should note that Ted talk is a non-profit organization and that no favor will be granted through bribery and corruption related issues.

Members engaged in corruption will be handled using legal means or suspended depending on the magnitude of the case.

All the government associated programs will be linked to the website for ease of access and collaborative approach.

The website will be opened 24 hours at all times of the year; there will be no window of operation since members can log any time.

The initiative will not be country specific; this is aimed at acquiring skills and expertise from other states.

However, there will be a limit to the number of borrowed technical expertise to promote local growth.

The program is generally aimed at solving unemployment cases in the society, without favoring the race, gender but limiting on the age since the age is vital for the development of a state.

The employment condition must be standardized and registered.

Situational Analysis

The platform was developed due to the rising cases of joblessness in the society. The age that is most disadvantaged is between 19 to 25 years. This is the age where most young people will divert their ways due to their frustrations in life. The problems associated with increased unemployment among youth include, engagement in substance abuse, increased the spread of diseases, and the increased dependency ratio.

The audience of this news is the general public since it is composed of employers and the youngsters. The other members who are not within the age limit can help pass out the information to the intended group of people. The government will also be involved in partnering with the platform to provide a collaborative approach towards helping the jobless teens. Therefore, the news is intended to reach out to all people, but more specifically, the young teens aged 19 to 25 and the employers.

The purpose of this approach is to enable the young generation to acquire skills and develop leadership technical expertise while still at their growth stage. Also, the problems associated with joblessness among youth are to be eliminated, such as drug abuse, dependency rate, inequality due to racial differences, among many factors related to unemployment. The problems fit into the organization needs since it is majored in solving societal problems.

Ted talks are based on creating a society that meets the current generation standards. In this information age, the job industry requires competent skills based on experience; therefore, tapping the young energy is very useful since they are still in their growth period. The age is also flexible since they can be tuned to achieve the best of their limits. Moreover, the society can be improved when the age group’s skills are tapped. Most problems faced by the society are based on the employment status, which Ted Talks aims to solve.

The distribution of the news will be done such that everyone will have a possibility of seeing it. First, it will be channeled through the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The local and international broadcasting stations will be used to advertise the project with the aim of reaching out to millions of youths. Therefore, the Ted talks will conduct a reach out a program aimed at meeting the young youths to help them in solving the situation.

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