Teaching Annotation Skills to Improve Reading Comprehension

Hannah Berry's Report on the Apparel Industry

Hannah Berry published a post about the apparel industry in October 2011. This article discusses advertisements for cosmetic products that are aimed primarily at women. It examines Sorel and Clark's advertisements and what they said about appreciating individuality in matters of appearance. This article is an annotated version of Hannah Berry's report on the fashion industry.

Women and Cosmetics

This essay is about women and what they have been taught about using those cosmetics to make themselves look attractive. Make-up and mouthwash have received a lot of attention over the years, and this has had an effect on our everyday lives. However, developments have arisen, stressing the importance of anonymity and one's own identity. It encourages the break away from the cocoon and stress on the origin of beauty. Clarks ad put into consideration fashion terming it as band geek chic. He brings a great personality out of that emulating a decorated stone. It emphasizes on a woman who loves what she is doing.

The Importance of Self-Concept

Clark has therefore given a high school student an outfit that matches the apparent behavior and talent. It portrays the idea of self-concept that beauty comes from the inside. Confidence matters and appreciating individual looks. He uses an image to help us understand the importance of recognizing oneself uniqueness. On the other hand, Sorel stresses on the quality of being a key of identifying personality. His ad shows a fearless woman who wears a devil red boots holding a shotgun. It encourages one to be bold and brings a sense of believing in oneself. She dares to break out of what society thinks and does something different. It shows the act of choosing freedom by doing what one wants. The community gives bonds that people stick. In the fashion world, this ad celebrates those who can choose the clothing of their own. It is achievable by breaking away from what society bonds us to do.

Understanding Imagery and Style

When annotating, you must be able to understand the imagery used. For instance, Clark used the band geek chic. This imagery portrays someone who loves what she does. Thus, this is critical in ensuring that this is intertwined with fashion (Porter et al., 87). Interpreting this images used is important in bringing out the true meaning of style. On the other hand, Sorel uses the woman who flaunts in a devil red boots. It should be considered regarding daring moves to try something new in fashion.

Annotated Essay by Porter O'Donnell

In the essay written by Porter O'Donnell, its sentences are short and precise. The paragraphs were brief and clear. The length and the clarity were magnificent it has a good flow. In choosing the words that are suitable and expresses, the ideas put on the essay (Porter et al., 83). Therefore, concerning bringing the piece into meaning, he chose appropriate explanation to do so.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the images used to portray certain traits in literature. For instance, there are images used to bring into meaning its relevance to fashion. It is important because it enables us to understand the importance of daring moves to a choice of fashion.

Works Cited

Porter-O’Donnell, Carol. “Beyond the yellow highlighter: Teaching annotation skills to improve reading comprehension.” English Journal (2004): 82-89.

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