Sociological Imagination

Sociology Examines the Structure and Functioning of Community Development

Sociology examines the structure and functioning of community development. It focuses on perspective and opinion of different people in the society. Perceptivities enable people to approach certain subject uniquely. Perceptivities also help individuals with different views to coexist in the society. Perspectives can be categorized as functionalist, conflict and interactive.


Functionalists’ Perspective

Functionalists’ perspective is an approach used to study how people form a society. They join people from different background to exist in one community and share common values. It ensures all members have equal opportunities to express their opinion to create a firm community. The values are essential because they determine how the future generation will exist. They ensure the community is based on democracy where all members are allowed to raise their opinion. It advocates for leaders to serve people according to the law. Leaders are supposed to create an environment where members can participate in development issues.

Functionalists’ perspectives involve unity and respect to create a conduce environment for development. They are required to create rules that govern everyone regardless of their social status or gender. They regulate how leaders exercise their power to serve the interests of the community. Functionalists expect leaders to be transparent and are accountable for their actions. They should tell the people they serve individuals through spending and distributing resources. Distributing public resources benefits both the community and people. Functionalists’ perspectives focus on the stability of the society through defining social changes. The manifest role of the institution in the society and failures are considered when approaching a functionalist perspective.

Latent functions are unexpected and show the hidden function of a particular society while manifest functions focus on the development of the society. According to functionalists’ perspective, negative results are caused by instability among members of the community.

Functionalists believe that each individual has a role in the society. For instance, reality television trends focus on making the viewer’s know different fashions and technology trends through advertisements of particular products. Reality television shows update individuals about the occurring changes in the fashion industry.

Communication is important because it allows individuals to share information, educate members, and create unity. It allows members to share information with people in the community through social media platforms. Members of the community are from a different culture and beliefs. They are united by common goals and desires to create a conducive environment that advocate for equality. It is important to live in unity and respect each other to allow innovation and development.


Sociological Imagination

Sociological imagination is the ability to understand how different factors have an impact in shaping an individual’s behavior, life, and the choices. According to Mill, an individual can learn from their own experiences if they completely understand their sociological image. Understanding one's situation helps an individual relate to others in the similar situation in future. It is important to respect all members of a society to create a productive relationship. A conducive environment allows people to create ideas that assist in improving the social status.

TIME’s Jerusalem chief, Karl Vick, has been tasked with observing Palestine and Israel terrains since 2010. During his stay in Istanbul in 2002 summer, he was familiarized to the constant bombing threats in the urban areas, where small explosives were considered as favorable weapons for various activists and dissenters in 1990. Meek explains how Turkey had been Israel’s reasonable establishment for survival before Israel marked 65 years as an existent state. None of the annual celebrations was celebrated peacefully. Security in Israel according to Mill is a way of life in Israel, especially in airports. Security is enhanced through inspections conducted on tourists visiting the country. However, the preoccupation is non-existent in Israel cities.

During the second intifadeh in March 2002, the country expected was expecting an explosion. However, Ariel Sharon, the then prime minister asked a social psychologist, Reuven Gal, to evaluate the tension among Israel residents. Reuven Gal collected standard assessment based on unbiased signs despite politicians’ affection to narratives. The unbiased signs indicated that despite the attack, people attendance in movie theatres resumed normally.

Israel’s safety is enhanced through modern defense systems that include magnetometers stationed in malls and security guards situated in crowded places. Internal security is responsible for maintaining security in the country. The agency includes secret officers tasked with monitoring suspicious behaviors in the Jewish state through monitoring Palestine.

The government of Israel has gained fame around the world because of security. They focus on both internal and external security measures. Israel leaders understand the importance of internal conflicts. As a result, they involve young people in critical decision-making processes. The government requires young people to join military training because they are allowed to work as adults. They are trained how to manage internal conflicts and co-exist with people from different background. The communities live in peace because they are passed to them from the previous generation. Security is necessary for the economic growth and relation with other community members.

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