Scott Fitzgerald: The Art and Science of Illuminated Manuscripts

Abidin, Hazlin and Maaruf Siti. Envisioning the Future of Online Learning. Springer, 2016, pp. 171-182.

            The authors in the book explains typography in visual communication as a mini component in which visualization,  purpose and structure creates a more effective influence of communicating visually to the audiences and readers which is indispensable due to the current technological advancement. This study on typology suggests that typography is considered an appropriate utility in visual communication to Scott Fitzgerald. The authors further explains typographical features such as font size enhances the readers’ effective understanding in the books and articles.

Riley, Benjamin. “The state of the art of living walls: Lessons learned. “Building and environment, 2017, pp. 219-232.

            Riley and Benjamin advocates that living walls ought to be scrutinized and established into productive systems that will complete the breaches in our knowledge by using wall paintings and posters. Wall arts should to be decorated by posters, canvas, paintings and quotes that enhances knowledge such as Scott Fitzgerald quotes, and other writers. The authors also explains that such wall arts reflect that information may perhaps also be conveyed through such channels.

Fitzgerald, F S, et al. F. Scott Fitzgerald on Authorship, U of South Carolina, 1996.

            The authors in this article put together Fitzgerald’s writings both public and private writings and construct an inclusive twenty- year Fitzgerald’s autobiography as an artist of literature. The authors went to an extent of correcting all misapprehensions that deterred Fitzgerald’s reputation. Mathew Bruccoli challenges the myths concerning Fitzgerald squandering his affluences, he also uncovers the error of isolating Scott’s publication and films from his books. The article offers an insight on Fitzgerald’s view on authorship and responsibility on literature.

Dennison, Lynda. ‘The art and science of illuminated manuscripts, “The journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2016, pp, 144- 146.

            This article views illuminated manuscripts as the inclusion of art and color in manuscripts basing on a scholarly investigation program that ranges information from medieval era. The article explains that assimilating technical investigation with historical art investigation combines the manuscripts entries and which further clarifies artiste’s methods and usage of color in digitalizing Fitzgerald papers. The collection puts together original materials written by and concerning Fitzgerald from 1896- 1940.

Jeffery Meyers. Talented, Weak and Self-destructive: F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1994

            In this book, Meyers portrays Fitzgerald as self-centered and a drunkard who spend most of his time writing glossy articles. The author seems incapable to masquerade his dislike to his subject and claims that Fitzgerald did not have any curiosity in understanding historical events that occurred in his lifetime that is World War 1. Mercers also critics Fitzgerald in the opening pages of the book where he quotes negative valuation of preceding Fitzgerald’s biographies. The author compares Fitzgerald to Heimingway not just as a novelist but as a business oriented man.

Miller’s. The fictional Techniques of F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1957

            Miller’s claims that Fitzgerald was trying to move away from the novel of fullness as illustrated in Fitzgerald’s novel “This Side of Paradise” and he was shifting to writing the novel that has incidents of his own imagination for example the Jamesian novel, according to miller Scott Fitzgerald’s great achievements came through his book “The Great Gatsby” which he wrote it from an artistic view that was different from his normal way of writing the subject’s view.

Works Cited

Abidin, Hazlin and Maaruf Siti. Envisioning the Future of Online Learning. Springer,     2016, pp. 171-182.

Dennison, Lynda. ‘The art and science of illuminated manuscripts, “The journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2016, pp, 144- 146.

Fitzgerald, F S, et al. F. Scott Fitzgerald on Authorship, U of South Carolina, 1996.

Jeffery Meyers. Talented, Weak and Self-destructive: F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1994

Miller’s. The fictional Techniques of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1957

Riley, Benjamin. “The state of the art of living walls: Lessons learned. “Building and environment, 2017, pp. 219-232.

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