Roles of Computer Technology and the Internet in Behavioral Sciences

2. Communication Using Computer Technology and the Internet 2
3. Internet and Computer Technology in Education 3
4. Application of Computer Technology and the Internet in Business 3
5. Application of Computer Technology and the Internet in Healthcare 4
6. Finally,
4 Computer Technology and the Internet's Roles in Behavioral Sciences
1. introductory paragraph
In today's society, computer technology and the Internet have become significant influences in people's lives. Generally, the younger generation does more work with the assistance of a computer and makes better use of it than the previous age.One of the primary factors contributing to this is a fast development of information technologies in nowadays world. In the broad context, people must be aware of the use of computer technology and the Internet. However, due to the emerging information society, we must again focus on preparing people for the transition in the behavior of human life. With no doubts the computer technology and the Internet have come with their merits and demerits for instance in trade, production, health, communication, and in education. According to some experts, inappropriate use of computer technology and the Internet in particular circumstances has the limitation of these advantages. In this context, technologies are deliberated to as hazardous to the human mind.

2. Computer Technology and the Internet in Communication

In the early decades, communicating between people in different countries was challenging. In the current world, computer technology and Internet play a critical role in communication. People can use websites, emails, blogs, social networking, and video chat to interconnect with their friends and receive immediate feedback. One of the influences of the modern technology is on the social issues (Ashraf, Narongsak, and Seigyoung 72). Sociologist Marshall McLuhan has been the first to compare the world to a global village due to the use of the technology. By his belief, information was increasing, and therefore the use of technology would increase the aptitude of individuals but also influencing the human mind (Bozoglan, Veysel, and Ismail 315). Nevertheless, communication is fundamental to the family as well as its functioning. It is a process, which families use to create, regulate, and share meaning. Advancement, communication technologies, and proliferation of information carry on in changing the methods of family communication. However, little is known regarding the different approaches to family communication and influence on the family well-being.

3. Computer Technology and the Internet in Education

Computer technology and the Internet have a profound influence on the education. It is shaping scholars to be more smatter at the early age. Through this technique, imparting knowledge on scholars has become more accessible and exciting than before. Students and instructors are finding it tranquil to refer from the Internet than searching information from physical books. Moreover, it provides information that is revised and up to date enabling students to keep up with the current research. Education nowadays is no longer limited to the classroom, as computers have introduced distance learning helping an individual who wants to learn to quickly collaborate with his mentors. Additionally, the introduction of computer technology and Internet in the early education has laid the foundation for significant competitive careers (Ashraf, Narongsak, and Seigyoung 69). Technologies play a crucial role in one’s professional and personal life. The ingenious invention has not only changed the way we perceive information but also the way we work. The unlimited access to information on the Internet can present challenges to young people and scholars. When students replace pen and paper with a computer, handwriting skills may agonize. It also encourages ill behavior such as the phonography, cyberbullying, and cheating in an examination.

4. Computer Technology and the Internet in Business

Computer technology and the Internet have become an integral part of the trade. For most of the firms, emails form the basis of communication between suppliers, customers, and employers. It is more convenient as an individual do not have to travel to do business. People across the globe can transact with others from different states with ease as compared to traditional ways when people had to travel long distances in search of buyers and sellers. In the production firms, technology has made work more efficient, quick and tireless by transforming people from labor intensive to capital intensive (Trepte, Tobias, and Leonard 101). It has formed a transition from the use of force to use of skills one has in mind. Therefore, people are nowadays guaranteed of quality products and services when compared to early decades when people relied on labor force which is prone to more mistakes than technology. Consequently, technology has made living worthwhile.

5. Computer Technology and the Internet in Healthcare

The use of technology has transformed healthcare sectors. Use of the automated hospital information has aided in improving the quality care services due to its far-reaching capabilities. The advancement in the telecommunication and web solutions has a potential support in the care education and delivery. An individual can now get conduct with their healthcare practitioners who assist in living a healthy life.

6. Conclusion

To sum up, use of computer technologies and the Internet has a cognitive effect on the human behavior. It influences education, healthcare, communication, and transacting businesses.

Works Cited

Ashraf, Abdul R., Narongsak Thongpapanl, and Seigyoung Auh. "The application of the technology acceptance model under different cultural contexts: The case of online shopping adoption." Journal of International Marketing 22.3 (2014): 68-93.

Bozoglan, Bahadir, Veysel Demirer, and Ismail Sahin. "Loneliness, self‐esteem, and life satisfaction as predictors of Internet addiction: A cross‐sectional study among Turkish university students." Scandinavian journal of psychology 54.4 (2013): 313-319.

Trepte, Sabine, Tobias Dienlin, and Leonard Reinecke. "Influence of social support received in online and offline contexts on satisfaction with social support and satisfaction with life: A longitudinal study." Media Psychology 18.1 (2015): 74-105.

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