Reviews from Burberry store

Regards, Ms. Jeannie
It breaks my heart to learn about your encounter with our Burberry store. As Easter was approaching, most of our staff weren't at work when the incident happened. The young salesperson who made a scene works as an intern for our company. He lacks much customer service experience due to his lack of a college degree. In relation to the incident, the salesman has already been questioned. We appreciate you bringing this to our notice. We take any complaint of this sort seriously as a business, and the necessary steps have been taken to ensure that occur again in the future.

During that day, our salesman was alone in the store when you came in to make your purchase. He refused to serve you for being a middle-aged black woman. The salesman who was busy with his phone ignored you despite assuring him that you were willing and able to make a purchase. Instead, he uttered outrageous remarks that black women are poor and therefore you could not afford the beautiful silver ornaments in the store. The intern has rejected the allegations with a statement that you did not come to the store and that you are seeking attention and sympathy. Currently, we cannot substantiate the claims since the store is without camera surveillance. Our cameras got spoilt and are yet to be replaced. At the moment, the intern cannot be laid off but has been asked to take compulsory leave as the incident is being investigated. Besides, at least one senior employee shall report to work during such holidays.

We thank you once again for bringing the matter to our attention. We look forward to solving the issue once and for all.



HR Director

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