Reasons why federal government is unable to deal with HR issues

According to a recent survey, nearly 60% of managers across various federal government institutions believe it is uncommon for most government employees to be transferred, reassigned, or fired from their jobs due to poor performance. Several of the latter state they are limited in hiring competent staff who can fulfill their tasks with excellence. Also, nearly half of most managers in government organizations say they do not aspire to be part of the senior or top management executives in their particular companies or corporations. These dispiriting surveys portray the daunting challenges facing the federal government human capital management practices, which have made it difficult for the government to be at per with the swift management practices and skills deployed or utilized by the private sector. The paper will point out several factors that have culminated in the rise of the above state challenges.

Lack of accountability

Lack of proper accountability in federal institutions has received immense attention because the latter is universally observed to be a government problem. Many research and experts findings have concluded that the government at large does not hold its employees accountable in the same respect with the private sector. There are multiple factors which have collectively escalated this problem; an example most public employee enjoys protection from unions and government, mostly from scrutiny or investigations. This has created a significant difference in human resource management between the government and the private sector.

The centralization of human capital in federal institutions

When most of the human resources activities were centralized in most government institutions which included corporation and state organs; significant number of human resource function, roles (Pynes, nd). And duties were terminated and much of the human resource responsibilities like staffing, processing, classification, training, and evaluation of employees was centralized and transferred to low-cost classes or areas. After the centralization, much of HR functions were performed by local staffers who did not have any competency or experience to manage employees. The effect caused a significant managerial difference in human resource management between the federal government and the private sector who employ experienced and competent staff to manage their employees.

The level of scrutiny

Because of the centralization of human resource functions in many federal bodies and institutions across the United States, there a void of competent HR professional was created this prompted many managers working for the latter to seek alternative measures like looking for corporate advisors who would help them in managing their workforce. But the advancement of technology, especially in media has and continues to affect these “consultative” managers who are not fully equipped to manage and run human resource departments. Thus many of these managers are hiding behind government bureaucracies and taking advantage of the civil protection of government employees from any outside interference or scrutiny. Hence decreasing the performance of human capital in many government institutions, that fall-short to the level of professionalism in the private sectors, which has made it look easy to manage a given workforce.

Reason for HR decision takes long

The human resource functions and responsibilities in the federal government are characterized by extensive bureaucratic systems which have affected the flexibility and operation of the latter in federal institutions. The large workforce exacerbates the problem, and immense laws, regulations and designated oversights from other departments or bodies before any decision are made. There rigorous procedure and compliance regulations that have to meet or approved that involves promotions, hiring procedures, firing procedures among other things which have made the decision making the process slow in many federal intuitions thus affecting the human capital functions and duties immensely. An example, a Michigan States University professor lamented that “We spend exorbitant amounts of time in meetings and in generating repetitive and often meaningless ... and reports to make our precinct of the bureaucracy look productive,” after handing over his resignation letter which reflected the toiling life of a government employee.

Bureaucratic procedures which sometimes are usually established as subset section by the act of Congress usually create lengthy procedures regarding the scope and functions of the operations of the body or management of the institution being established. Much of the legal procedure and guideline are usually put in place as a sign of public accountability but in the long run, affect the decision making process thus making crucial decision hard to make or implement when required (Pynes, nd). This phenomenon has resulted in the public perception that decision-making process in many government or governmental organizations takes time or is slower compared to the private sector, where the latter allows independent thinking which catalyze the decision making processes in the private sector.

Importance of HR office to an agency

Every company, conglomerate or organization requires a team of highly qualified and competent team that will take up the function of human resource to from the human capital department. As a department they human resource assists the organization in managing a variety of task ranging from simple tasks to complex ones. It plays a crucial role in handling all matters relating to human capital as well as outlining and providing performance strategies that can be utilized by the agency. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the HR office within any agency will be dependent on the relation between the internal structure and operational function of the human resource company and the entire leadership of the organization or institution. There are several functions, duties, and responsibilities that a good and competent human resource department will have to undertake or perform to ensure a positive performance of any organization or agency. Below are some of the functions and feature that will identify a proper human capital department within an institution.

Recruiting competent employees

Recruitment is defined as the process of finding and employing suitable candidates who would add value to the company or the institution. A relevant human resource department will devise proper and efficient recruiting methods that will endure the agency or the organization acquire the best talents and skills that will have both short and long-run benefits.

The future success of any institution is dependent on the type of skills they employ today, thus the human resource department should utilize all the available techniques necessary in acquiring such talents. An example, they can set up scouting programs within the department that will assist the latter in spotting and handpicking the most competent and promising applicants either in universities, colleges or from the competitors within or outside the industry.

Training and maintaining talent in the agency

In-house training for employees in very essential to any organization that is willing and determined to secure their future in whatever industry they operate from; a capable human capital department will ensure that company employees are up to date on various laws and regulations, safety standards or any other information that may require their attention. An example if there are new machines or equipment introduced to the company, it is the mandate of the human resource department to ensure that the necessary staffs are trained and equipped with the required training relating to the new equipment. That includes planning, organizing and facilitating the training program to completion (Katz, nd). The above function is significant to the future operation and performance of any organization hence training of team and other supporting staff is a good indicator of a well performing and organized human resource department.

Disputes and crises usually arise within the working environment of any agency or organization. Thus, senior or top human resource managers should train their junior staffs on handling any crisis within the company. They should devolve some of the function to their juniors through training which will come handy during or when there is a problem or crisis with employees. An example the HR manager can train mid-level supervisors on how to engage and tackle any conflict that may arise among employees. This is valuable because if personal or group disputes are not appropriately handled can affect the productivity of the organization or agency.

By proving great leadership

The survival of any institution solely depends on the leadership direction portrayed by its leaders. Leadership, management, and supervision are sometimes quantified to mean the same thing, and in most instances, they are used interchangeably. In the context of a human resource manager, he or she needs to be in a position to offer training, recognition, and appreciation of the work being done by the junior worker. The ability to tap and manifest raw talent in an organization usually creates a long-run benefit for the company, since inexperienced staff member can be motivated to move from their comfort zone and think critically or creatively to offer solutions on various business challenges affecting the operations or existence of the firm.

A well competent human resource department should illustrate leadership quality and prowess in work environment like providing guidance to employees, create and administer various systems and process relating to a particular are, handle crisis or problems efficiently and offer financial advice to their employees. Such skills will prove important in the management of a given workforce thus improving the productivity and performance of the agency, company or organization (Jac and Barbara, nd).

Performance improvement and assessment

It is the function of any human resource department to create and develop plans and control measures that can be used to ascertain and evaluate the performance and productivity of an employee. Hence a competent HR department through its managers should ensure periodic assessment and evaluations are done to all employees; this will ensure the agency is not spending much or too little on its workforce depending on the performance and creativity of the latter. It can also be used as a tool of encouraging performing talents in the company because if people who are productive in the agency are compensated well in enough for their efforts, they are most likely to commit and increase their performance.

How to ascertain the productivity of human resource department

Ordinarily human resources departments are usually perceived and glorified paper pushers; arguably this is the primary department in any organization that strives to gain a balance between the turnovers of the company and the growth of employees. But a professional and competent human resource manager or officer comes to an agency and becomes an invaluable asset through advising an organization of how to hire, manage and terminate employees; how to offer and when to offer training; offering the expertise on the best possible rates of paying salaries, wages and commissions. The HR department acts as a balancing pivot between the success or failure of the a given organization, this is ascertained by the level, methods, and techniques of proficiency utilized to mobilize capital-labor in achieving the set objective and goals of the company or institution. Thus some key indicators or factors indicate or whether the human resource department is productive.

Cost-effective human department

One of the ways to that can be used to ascertain whether the human resource department is efficient and productive, is to check how cost-effectiveness the department. People working in the HR department are more aware of the needs of the company thus they provide a swift and personal solution that may have cost the organization extra money. An example if a company it introducing new systems to new employees they will not hire external consulting HR Company (Katz, nd). Preferably they will utilize their own in-house HR department to carry out the training; thus the cost of hiring external consultant would be used for other projects that will be of benefit to the company. Therefore human resource department that is more concerned and aware of the specific needs and requirement of the company indicates that the firm has a reliable and productive department which is effective and efficient.

Improving corporate image

Employees working in an ample and conducive environment and are well remunerated are usually committed to their organization. Coupled with contentious in-house training and work benefits ensure that employees in the organization are productive which in turn boost the performance of the company. Such ideal work and pay environment are usually created and executed by the human resources department in collaboration with the top management. An efficient human resource department will cater for the welfare of employees by advising the relevant figures in the organization on the importance of taking care of the employees. Conversely, employees end up encouraged and motivated to be productive when they are being paid or rewarded appropriately. This will in turn, boost the corporate’s image of the company since its employees will be open to share their experiences working with the company.

Ability to maintain the company’s principles

A highly capable and competent human resource department will show a tremendous effort in upholding the objectives, mission, vision and core principles of the organization or company. The human resource department goes beyond the idea of it being seen as “complaining center,” as it ensures that all employees working in the company follow are the required protocols which are guided by the established principles of the company that will be reflected by the general public whom they are the potential clients. Employees working in a given business are able to follow or work within the stipulated guidelines or principles and have a clear understanding of what they are expected to do and when they are supposed to do it. This will illustrate a clear picture of the effort and input of the human resource department thus showing the importance of the agency towards ensuring sustainability and the bright future ahead.

Employing the perfect employee

The current global crisis and the growing number of graduates across the country, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hire competent employees for companies because of the immense application letters that organizations receive during or before the hiring period. It is the work of the human resource department to hire or fire employees on behalf of the company. A well-performing department will ensure that the organization is in a position to acquire raw but competent talents that will bring in new and fresh ideas that will increase productivity and guarantee success for the organization. This will be achived by establishing a competitive application process that will filter potential applicants from the best to the very least competent. Productive employees will mean that the human resource department doing is doing great work by hiring qualified workers who bring in success and productivity for the organization.

Reasonable cost of human resource department

The value of running a human resource department within an organization is purely based on the productivity and performance of the latter. The department whose function includes ensuring a balance between the company’s turnover and the level of employees required in ensuring the company is profitable (Bogardus, nd). Striking the required or targeted equilibrium on the above can be difficult at times because of the various fixed and varied variables that are required for success to be guaranteed. A well performing organization will mean that the company is making profits thus, depending on the size of the company the agency will retain or maintain a HR department depending on the level and scope of functions allocated to the latter. A human resource department can be a small department of few individuals to a fully functional department wills huge numbers of employees managed by senior top managers and other midlevel supervisors to handle the immense workload. Thus the cost of the cost of running a HR department is reasonable if the department is performing its functions towards the success of the company

Reaction of shutting down human resource department

Human resource departments usually act as a link between the management and the employees, through recruiting and training of new and existing workers. Depending on the size and scope of operation and engagement of the agency, the leadership may decide to remove the department after considering various factors. But the effect of such a move can be beneficial or damaging both in the short and long run. Above are some of the consequences and reaction from employees and top management if the human resource department is eliminated.

Short term effects

Reaction from employees

A company that may opt to operate without the existence of a human resource department may risk difficulties in creating and maintaining a proper and conducive relationship between employees. For an agency that is scraping it existing the human resource from its structure will ideally receive complains, and negative response inform of reaction from the workers who may feel that there will be a disconnection between the organizational leadership and the other employees. Junior HR officers may opt to take legal action against the company if the process of shutting them down as a department may not follow clear procedure when relieving workers of their duties. The short-run reaction of employees can be considered hostile of aggressive especially of the organization has a significant number of workers who may require a continuous or constant approval of documents, reports or daily worksheet from their manager or supervisors.

Reaction from manager

Managers who will be affected by the ‘closing down” of the human resource department can hostile, this will be natural response especially they were not included as managers to discuss the possibilities of eliminating the department. Most of the managers due to frustration of losing their jobs they may decide to undermine the operation and credibility of the organization through providing or sharing crucial information pertaining to the company with the competitor or even take up positions from competitors within the industry. Being professional experts on employees’ rights, these managers may choose to mobilize other workers affected by the downsize by organizing demonstrations, go-slows, or picketing within the premises of the agency to protest of any ill-motives moved aimed at eliminating the department; or worse, if they have not been paid their dues and allowances after being laid-off.

Long-term reaction

Reaction from employees

Disbandment of the human resource from the agency will have long term implication from the employees’ perspective. The chain of communication or link between the senior management and the rest of the workforce will be weakened because the function and purpose served by an HR department would have been eliminated. Lack of poor communication between the employees and the top management will have devastating effect on the daily operations within the organization, and in the event of a conflict or crisis among workers there would be no precise system ready to handle and settle the issues or the problem at hand. Conversely, the company may be faced shortages of competent staff to manage and supervise worker, because the function of the human resource would be delegated or decentralized thus people with minimal experienced in handling and performing human resource duties and responsibilities will poorly supervise the respective workforce.

Reaction from managers

With the evolving technology, much of the “old” business concepts and structure are facing elimination, centralization or downsize. The human resource department is on the verge of being eliminated from the structures of the organization; the removal of the latter will receive criticism from the affect HR managers and supervisor who feels their role in the agency is vital to the success of the company. Most of the affected managers will opt to work for the competitors or start their personal HR consultancy practice to take advantage on the lope holes created by the agency since at one point or another they may require outsourcing the expertise of a competent human resource. To assist them to set up centralized structures that will ensure efficiency in the management of workers in the company.


Bogardus, Anne. Human Resources Jumpstart (2004)

Jac Fitz-enz and Barbara Davison: How to Measure Human Resource Management (3rd Edition - 2002, McGraw-Hill)

Katz, Stephen L. Lion Taming: Working Successfully with Leaders, Bosses, and Other Tough Customers.(2004)

Pynes, Joan E.Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (4th Edition - 2013)

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