Relationship between management and staff

The Importance of Enhancing the Interaction between Senior Management and Staff

The interaction between senior management and staff is one of the things the business plans to enhance, as is clear from this post.

Open Communication Channels for Effective Problem Identification

Having open communication channels that allow staff members to voice their issues can help achieve this.

Employee meetings are a good example of an approach to use when trying to identify the difficulties that the staff is facing.

Improving Interaction Through Appropriate Writing Mechanics

The use of appropriate writing mechanics can also help to improve the interaction between management and its employees by ensuring that messages are understood by all parties.

The workers will then be able to successfully accomplish their respective responsibilities effectively and efficiently.

Strengthening Employee Relationships Through Seminars and Retreats

Furthermore, the employee relationship may be strengthened by planning for employee seminars and retreats (Keckley, n.d.).

These forums will permit communication among the employees and ensure easy collaboration at work.


Keckley, P. The increasing importance of employee relations. Public Relations Review, 3(3), 70-76.

LA1 Brandon H Response

The post is about GDD company can make its operations to be green. It is true that GDD can realize this objective by implementing a strategic plan of reducing its weekly flights. This strategy will present a constraint to the customers regarding their delivery times; however, these customers can receive a lowered price of shipping provided the package on one flight per week goes out. GDD Company will actually save money due to spending less on man-hours, maintenance and on fuel and this will result in reducing harmful emotions that are released from the planes. It should be noted that the appropriate way of reducing carbon footprint actually is to cut the number of flights made (Aranowski, 2010). Consequently, by GDD reducing its number of flights, they will not only save money but also will achieve their objective of going green.


Aranowski. (2010). Going, Going Green. Cereal Foods World.

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