Millennial in the Workplace: A Communication Perspective

Karen k. Myers " Kamyab Sadaghiani (2010).Millennial in the workplace: A communication Perspective on Millenials’ organizational Relationships and Performance. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(2), 225-238.doi: 10.1007/s10869-010-9172-7

Stance: Pro-millennial

Authors credentials: A leader who has managed to create a friendly working environment between the supervisors and the millennial at work

Intended Audience: Different leaders

Summary: To offer advice on the importance of communication between different teams in the workplace. Millennial born around 1979 to 1994 can be egocentric, impolite and unreliable. However, communication with millennial can change the organization since relationships can develop. The millennial work best in teamwork and have positive performance when they engage in open and constant communication with their leaders. Continuous communication and workplace interaction changes bad attitudes of the millennial.

Deal,J. J., Altman, D. G., " Rogelberg, S. G.(2010). Millennial at work: What we know and what we need to do (If anything). Journal of business and psychology, 25(2), 191-199. Doi: 10.1007/s10869-010-9177-2

Stance: Pro-millennial

Authors credentials: an IT expertise

Intended Audience: supervisors and employees

Summary: Tries to show that the different traits the millennial have and compares them to other generations. The millennial are lucky to acquire the technological advantage in school. The technology they learn enables them to obtain multitasking skills.

Arnold, K., " Williams, K. (2008). Playbook: Dealing with Generational Crosstalk. Parks and Recreation, 43(11), 18-19. Retrieved March 8, 2009, from Academic Search Elite database.

Stance: pro-millenials

Authors credentials: A manager giving advice to his workers

Intended Audience: employees in a company ranging from traditionalists, baby boomers to millennial.

Summary: Provides advice as to why different generation perform their duties. This creates awareness among different employees on how different groups works. This creates knowledge on the team on how to communicate with each other without creating an unfriendly working environment.

Schulte. Margaret F. “The millenials: Challenges. Opportunities, and promise.” Frontiers of Health services management 2012: 1 + Business source complete. Web11Mar.2013.

Stance: pro-millenials

Authors credentials: An editor trying to highlight the work experiences of millenials

Intended Audience: managers and millenials

Summary: The editor explains the working experience of millennials. It provides an overview of the benefits and adverse encounters of a millennial. It discusses how millennial needs motivation that helps to steer them in the right way.

Maryam M. Kaifai, et al. “ A multi-generational workforce: Managing and understanding Millenials.” International Journal of Business Management7.24 (2012):88-93 Business source complete. Web 11 mar.2013.\\

Stance: Pro-millenials

Authors credential: A group of supervisors in an auditing firm

Intended Audience: the supervisors

Summary: Three groups of the employees are the baby boomers, and millennial (generation x and y) are being analyzed to understand the benefits each group brings to a workforce. The study breaks down the three groups and explains them gender, The groups rates them to determine which group offers satisfactory jobs, have better organizational skills and which groups have a higher likelihood of quitting.

Hershatter, Andrea, and Molly Epstein. “Millenials and the World of Work: An organization and Management Perspective.” Journal of Business and Psychology 25.2 (2010):211-223. Business source complete. Web 11 Mar.2013\

Stance: millenials

Authors credential: An IT expert

Intended audience: Employees and managers

Summary. Millennials are trained in a way that they are equipped with technology and great knowledge this will help to move the business world to another level. The millennials are described as the following “greatest generation.” Although the millennial are poor at communication, they are great in absorbing information and multitasking. Millenials are advanced but without technology they are a lost course.

Cartoon on millennial at workplace

II blog dell ADCI\ Arts Directors club Italiano.

Stance: pro-millennial

Description. The cartoon shows a millennial employee obsessed with social media.

Explanation; The employee is probably confused on the social media site to use first since they are so many that needs his engagement. Employees cannot afford to completely withdraw from social media. Most of the companies have a difficult time trying to engage millennials.

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