innovation architecture importance

Innovation is accompanied by resulting information that can be used interchangeably. When expertise is at play, creativity is at the forefront for any particular company, and in order for it to be competitive, it must repeatedly strive to foster a culture of innovation. As a result, ensuring that all of the courses promote the cultivation of creativity is not only prudent but also critical. In line with implementing reward schemes, these would encourage the innovators, keeping it at the forefront of technology and ensuring that it is constantly evolving with time. The evolving business conditions are critical and should be prioritized in any particular organization in order to promote and raise awareness for security measures. The introduction of the internet spawned companies which have grown a lot into those of the household names all over the universe. One of these companies is such as Google which is largely synonymous with a sort of such for information in the internet (Saǧlamer & Erkök, 2015).
The innovative world of Google is planned such that each individual in the business is considered a possible leader. It is enhanced through cultivating a custom of advancement among the employees through constructing a unique operational atmosphere. It is attained by the formation of informal workspaces which are not the normal office spaces. To add to it, the factors of innovation in the company are described in the job of all workers, thus growing a taste for both triumph and failure. Through these strategies, Google has been able to hire and maintain workers who are very talented.
The success of a company in any field is based on various processes which have to be accomplished. These processes are determined by the nature of the business, in Google, for instance, the processes have helped in establishing the infrastructure of the company, patience, and innovation which is incremental. Thus, Google has upgraded the Information and Technology from time to time and strategic patience which afford a reliable platform to the partners and its innovations. Google has an ecosystem owned by the company which enhances the architectural control. Therefore, Google gains the control of the way the platform evolves and is thus able to make lots of profits coming from spinning the ecosystem value.
The knowledge base of a company determines whether it will be successful or a failure. Google is recognized due to encouraging their workers to embrace innovation despite the results and thus giving a chance to employees who are willing, taking a chance. Google has adopted a punitive management style which punishes failure which affects innovation negatively. The style promotes innovation due to the fear of receiving punishment. An informal work environment gives the workers the opportunity to break the metal stereotype of the place of work, and in the process, creativity is given a chance to grow (Saǧlamer & Erkök, 2015). Google also makes sure their workers are well remunerated, which makes them to focus on their work despite the money issues.
Apple Inc is another company which is highly recognized due to their innovative activities. For the past years, Apple Inc has been able to produce high quality goods thus forming a cult with the customers. It has largely been contributed to innovation, excellent marketing strategies and the closed ecosystem which has promoted the retail success.
The innovative experiences at Apple Inc are promoted by the Research and Development (R & D) unit. The arm is supported by financial banking which is envied by most of the competitors since innovation is the competitive edge used at Apple Inc. Research indicates that 3.3 % of the total sales of the amount spend by Apple on the R & D department, and the amount represents a rise by 500 million dollars in comparison to the year 2014 (Hughes, 2015). The R & D unit is responsible for going through the products to make sure that their design and quality has met the requirements of the customers. Supporting the unit financially has enabled Apple to improve their innovation through producing more innovative products. The workers have the freedom to conduct their work even without being supervised.
When actual sales are made, they translate into actual profits. High-quality products manufacture is the initial step of the chain. An effective marketing strategy is an approach to selling the products of a company. Apple has been able to achieve customer loyalty due to their quality of products achieved through innovation. The company has kept their customers through their marketing strategy where they launch new products from time to time. There is thus so many expectations and anticipation from the customers from the Apple business. The advertising is done at Apple stores which ensure that the business does not spend virtually anything on the new products they introduce in the market. Through innovation, Apple is able to see the evolution of several platforms. The closed ecosystem has assisted the company in locking the customers in and the competitors out.
The employees who are considered effective do not worry about cash and since such workers are hired at Apple, it has ensured that they are maintained through establishing the best awarding system. Shared based compensation is included as part of the package of the company thus making the workers free to bring their innovative ideas and promote the success of the company. The share based compensation is also advantageous considering that it supports loyalty as the workers are considered as part of the company. Therefore, innovation helps in creating a culture of creativity and speed in manufacturing and overcoming competition (Skarzynski & Gibson, 2008).
Architecture innovation is necessary for changing the human socialization situation due to the changing technology which supported the launching of Facebook. All the services of the innovation are directed towards improving the visual socialization experience. It is through changes that the industry has made additions to the content which is shared from the era of text only to the use of videos and photos. Considering that those in charge have to set the direction of the company, they should incorporate the designs which will promote the growth of the primary business. Innovation can be considered as the key to addressing the new challenges in the market and the meeting the increasing demands (Skarzynski & Gibson, 2008). The innovation has allowed Facebook to apply their workers as the testing ground for any new additions they need to make on the platform. In addition, the business is able to get out any bugs which are associated with the new additions before it is released in the market. Facebook is recognized due to the knowledge remunerating knowledge of the workers so as to attract and maintain the best talent and same time enhancing the creativity of the employees is maintained.
Although there is some commonalities noted in the three companies in the way they conduct their business, some differences can be seen in the market niche. However, all companies have used their knowledge in the market and financial capability in controlling the direction of the changes. In addition, since the companies began from a closed ecosystem point, a guide on the changes has been managed in the areas of operation (Lerner, 2012). Through different management strategies, the businesses have supported innovation, encouraged it in their operations and in the process, an innovative culture has resulted. Furthermore, the share compensation model has supported the growth of intrapreneurship, and it ensures the continuity of innovation.
The attitude of the management in an institution can either promote or demote innovation. Fear results when failure is victimized, and in the process, the innovative abilities of the workers are smothered. When there is the inadequacy of resources for research and development, it interferes with creativity and innovation among the workers. The management is expected to support the employees morally and encourage them but when that lacks, low levels of innovation is experienced in a company.
A business should learn from the successful ventures so as to reduce the learning curve for the individuals in charge of guiding the innovative culture. Therefore, guiding a successful innovative architecture and culture would require charging individuals with responsibilities so that each person can utilize their skills and expertise and support them morally and financially so that they can attain the intended results. It is necessary to give the power to the knowledge workers to make decisions so that the innovative projects are not stopped due to bureaucracy. The employees should be provided with commensurate compensation, and in that way, they will share compensation (Lerner, 2012).
In conclusion, the infrastructure of innovation which a company adopts can either be the reason to succeed or failure. When an organization considers innovation as a failure, they get the exact results mostly from their workers. When the employees are rewarded in the proper way, and allowed minimal supervision by giving them the freedom to make decisions, success is likely to be witnessed in such a business. There are those attitudes and management decisions which support innovation while others encourage intrapreneurship. Making correct decisions and management systems at the right teams supports success.

Hughes, N. (2015). Apple spending on research and development swells again to $1.9 billion. Appleinsider. Retrieved from:
Lerner, J. (2012). The architecture of innovation: The economics of creative organizations.
Saǧlamer, G., & Erkök, F. (2015). Doctoral education in architecture: Challenges and opportunities. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Skarzynski, P., & Gibson, R. (2008). Innovation to the core: A blueprint for transforming the way your company innovates. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.

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