Information literacy and research writing in behavioral science

When the homogeneous population under study is very small, a sample may not be required. (Check& Russell, 2011). Due to subject variations, this strategy is inapplicable in the Stanley Milligrams test, which examines voting behavior as well as the body's response to drink and drug abuse.

According to USA Today, who surveyed 1000 people, 33% of Americans are uneasy while 11% are enthusiastic about the Trump government. Even though the author gives the sample sizes, proportions, and margins of error, I still need to know the sampling strategy in order to determine how representative the data is.

In comparison to nonprobability sampling, probability sampling produces more convenient and more accurate samples of the community. However, it is tedious, time-consuming. In my opinion, some studies in the chapter employed nonprobability sampling. The main problem encountered when using probability sampling is its unsuitability for non-homogenous populations. To reduce the sampling error, the researcher must use a large sample size.

Sample Research Question: Does a combination of warfarin and acetaminophen necessarily increase gastrointestinal bleeding?

The primary component studied is the proportion of patients that are affected by the antibiotics. The best sampling method for the study is simple random sampling because of its minimal error rate in representativeness. A sample from church members can be created by assigning random numbers to the members and utilizing a random number generator to choose the random numbers.

In the NYT polls about presidential elections, the researchers selected 1561 subjects. Out of these, 1333 were registered voters. Selection of the people to interview entailed the use of computer-generated random numbers. Psychology limits use of probability samples to enhance specificity and avoid defeating the purpose of the study. More so, in psychology studies, emphasis is made on extremes of attributes being studied only. In all types of sampling, the sampling error increases with a decrease in sample size.


Check, J. W., and Russell K. S. (2011). Research Methods in Education. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications

Page, S & Kinery. Poll: How are we feeling about Washington? Try 'alarmed' and 'uneasy'USA Today.June29.2017. Accessed. August 3.2017.

The New York Times. How was the Poll Conducted? November 3.2015.Accessed.August 3.2017®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=collection

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