Impacts of Learned Helplessness on Drug Addiction

Inappropriate use of drugs is a problem leading to myriads of challenges to the life of people across the world. In addition to harming the users, the drugs affect the life of family members. Moreover, the life of the society has a high potential of being affected by the mayhem created by the drug users. It is very hard for someone to completely quit drugs once they become addicts. Therefore there is an urgent need to assess the possible ways to solve substance use Addiction. Cui-Yan Wang, Min Zhang and Kai Zhang were some of the scholars did an excellent work in researching more about the drug users’ lives.

Aim of the study

These scholars wanted to know the potential impacts of learned helplessness in the connection between survival techniques and the dysfunctional attitudes.

Study participants

The researchers went to a rehabilitation center in Naijing where they collected the data from six hundred and twenty three men. These people were between the age of eighteen and sixty five years. some of these people had abused the drugs for 28 years whereas others had used them for 1 year. This study was accepted by the committee of ethnics of Huabei University.

Data collection

The officers on duty were given a guide on how they would distribute the questionnaires to the inmates. The data was collected from 623 people. Sixteen inmates were not considered after the collection of data since they were suspected to give invalid results. Ninety eight percent of the total participants were included during the data compilation.


The results concurred with those of previous study done with female drug addicts. The researchers concluded that further investigations would help in predicting the origin of the dysfunction.

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