Essays on United States

The Strength and Influence of the United States

After the second world war came to a grinding halt, the United States became the undisputed world superpower. In the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the strength of the U.S was further reinforced and activated after the collapse of the communist power of the Soviet Union. Although the U.S...

Words: 2558

Pages: 10

Should The Death Penalty Be Stopped In Texas?

Texas Death Penalty: Controversies and Considerations Texas has been using the legal death penalty for capital offenses for a very long time, executing a lot of people compared to the other states in the United States of America. Texas should cease using the death penalty in cases that are contradicting or...

Words: 294

Pages: 2

The Exclusionary Rule

In the Mapp Vs Ohio case, the police officers forcibly entered Dollree Mapp’s home to search for a suspect without producing a warrant, although the suspect was not found, there were other materials which were found and when the materials were presented in the court, Mapp was charged for having...

Words: 481

Pages: 2

The United States Immigration and Border Security Problems

This is an essay paper about the United States immigration and border security problems and how this has affected the primary objective of the Department of Homeland Security. This paper will begin by giving a brief history of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and how this department...

Words: 2449

Pages: 9

Why lowering the voting age to 16 is the best thing ever to happen to United States of America

Hot cognitive abilities are thought processes that are driven by the current state of emotions. On the other hand, cold cognitive skills are considered to be the means that are made by critical and relational thinking. Question 2 The United States of America last lowered the federal voting age on July 1st,...

Words: 309

Pages: 2

Here Is New York Book

Change is inevitable. It is the norm, the ever-changing and the dynamic environment that brings about the transition. White in his book ‘Here is New York’ gives an insight of the changes that have struck New York since the year 1947. From the tall buildings that existed ages ago to...

Words: 1693

Pages: 7

The Impact of Tourism on Kailua Community

One of the main issue affecting Kailua Hawaii community is the rising number of tourist visiting the community. Tourism is primary revenue generator of the state of Hawaii and Kailua community. According to tourism officials in the state, more than four million tourists visit Hawaii every year with most of...

Words: 698

Pages: 3

Dominican Immigrants in Washington Heights

Caribbean Immigrants have been living in America since the early 20th Century.  Their homeland, the Caribbean region includes countries and island such as Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados., Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas. Caribbean immigrants have been prevalently settling in urban areas, although few have been settling in...

Words: 1705

Pages: 7

Illegal Immigration in the United States

Illegal immigration alludes to the migration of persons into a nation in means which infringe the immigration requirements of the country. Also, it incorporates staying in a nation without the legal right more so after the expiry of visas. In the United States, illegal immigration refers to unlawful entry into...

Words: 2128

Pages: 8

Real and Ideal Culture in the United States

Culture refers to the set of values, norms as well as the beliefs that a particular society holds. It includes both the things that are tangible and those that are intangible. It is often divided into two categories, that is, the realm and the ideal culture. In the United States,...

Words: 552

Pages: 3

The Death of The American Dream

            Kashana Cauley in her article, "Trump is Killing the American Dream" (2018), argues that the "classist" and "racist" policies being implemented by the Trump administration are speeding up the death of the American Dream. Cauley supports her argument by explaining how the immigration policies especially deportations and the new...

Words: 148

Pages: 1

Our Blind Spot About Guns

The author uses a title that helps to deliver the content of the essay because it presents a summary of the key idea. For instance, by indicating cars and guns are different the title provides a glimpse of what the essay discusses (MacLeod 81). In addition, it provides a clue...

Words: 899

Pages: 4

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