Essays on Sociological Theories

Intersectionality in the Workplace

Jenifer Kim expounds intersectionality as the disadvantages in the interaction with others brought about by peoples’ diversity. In this case, the difference in race, gender, ethnicity or any other factor restricting peoples’ inclusion. On the other hand, Collins and Bilge (67), defines it as the oppression brought about by the...

Words: 631

Pages: 3

Rousseau Philosophy

The term "universal will," coined by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his work Social Contract: Essays, refers to "the total of the differences" that aids in the achievement of a common good in society (30). It relies on the existence of a moral stance in people to be an essential idea in...

Words: 700

Pages: 3

The Social Learning Theory

Albert Bandura, a psychologist who was born on December 4, 1925, in Mundare, northern Alberta, Canada, foresaw a social learning theory in 1977 and is a strong proponent of the idea that learning is primarily a process of observation, imitation, and modeling. Bandura's idea combines parts of operant conditioning, classical...

Words: 1672

Pages: 7

About cultural appropriation

Selena Gomez's use of the Bindi as a symbolic object Selena Gomez's usage of the Bindi as a symbolic object at the MTV awards ceremony is an example of cultural appropriation. This article was also widely circulated on social media and in art publications such as the Autostraddle. In this case...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

BENTHAM'S UTILITARIANISM and how it affects the response to capability

Utilitarianism can be seen from different dimensions, one of which is the nominative ethics that basically adumbrates utilitarianism as a conventional system linked to the time between the English philosophers and economists of the 18th and 19th centuries in the form of Jeremy Bethany and his fellow philosopher who embraced...

Words: 1393

Pages: 6

Social class theory and elite theory

Elite and Social Class Theory Elite and social class theory claim that the upper class of society is often seen as the primary driving force behind the politics of society. The theory of elites postulates that elites are inevitable in society and that their presence facilitates the full functioning of society....

Words: 1311

Pages: 5

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