Essays on President of The United States

Defining The Watergate Scandal

The concept of executive privilege can be used to define the Watergate scandal. Watergate is the name given to the scandal that involved President Richard M. Nixon and members of his administration. The name is from the Watergate apartment, located in Washington, D.C, America.  In 1972, this apartment was the...

Words: 1727

Pages: 7

The 2008 Election: A Unique One

This report will examine the United States 56th quadrennial presidential election held in 2008. The 2008 race between Democratic Barack Obama and Republican John McCain for the White House ended on Tuesday 4th of November with Obama being elected president. The election became a major historical event since it led...

Words: 1492

Pages: 6

Analysis of George Washington Dodge Challenger Commercial

Designers of commercial adverts strive to develop a message that connects with the target audience. The message is designed in a way that it will provoke emotional appeal among the target audience. As such, the audience will feel certain kind of connection with the advert prompting them to heed the...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

The Death of The American Dream

            Kashana Cauley in her article, "Trump is Killing the American Dream" (2018), argues that the "classist" and "racist" policies being implemented by the Trump administration are speeding up the death of the American Dream. Cauley supports her argument by explaining how the immigration policies especially deportations and the new...

Words: 148

Pages: 1

The Use of Non-Verbal Cues in the Testimony of Bill Clinton

It was on 17th August of 1998 when Clinton was testifying before the Grand Jury concerning his suspected affair with Monica Lewinsky. Also, on several occasions, Clinton had to provide answers concerning his personal secretary (Betty Currie) who had gone to Lewinsky’s resident to deliver presents from Clinton. The main...

Words: 890

Pages: 4

The Influence of Voltaire, Jefferson and Stanton on the American Revolution

Voltaire, Jefferson, and Stanton: Advocates for Freedom Voltaire, Jefferson, and Stanton are three revolutionists who played a significant role in the advocacy for freedom thus contributing majorly to the open and free society that we have today. Voltaire was an outspoken French philosopher and thinker who is widely known for his...

Words: 986

Pages: 4

Thomas Jefferson's Gender Frontier

Steel examines Thomas Jefferson's biography, beliefs, and contributions to gender in the journal Thomas Jefferson's Gender Frontier. (Steele, Brian). Throughout his career, he extolled American women, saying that their widespread wealth allowed for the flourishing of natural gender roles. One of the reasons undermining his claim about America was slavery, which...

Words: 306

Pages: 2

Facebook Should Not Do Fact-Checking

Introduction Since President Trump was elected as American president, the phrase "Fake News" has gained popularity. Since his election, President Trump has repeatedly accused the local press of spreading false information, but is this really the case? Many Internet users generate income by publishing false news. (Ohlheiser). The flow of breaking...

Words: 893

Pages: 4

Mongolia to be transformed

In the recent past, Mongolia has experienced significant changes, especially since the time of Genghis Khan. For instance, they shifted architectural styles from traditional to contemporary. This study will look at the story about how a massive copper mine changed Mongolia as it relates to course materials. It will contrast...

Words: 863

Pages: 4

About gun violence

Cases of Gun Violence and Gun Control Cases of gun violence have long been a source of contention in the United States. Some people want to get weapons to protect themselves, while others believe that guns are dangerous and should only be owned by people who work for the state and...

Words: 348

Pages: 2

Martin Heidegger Bio

Martin Heidegger's Resignation Martin Heidegger resigns as rector just one year after being appointed due to a confrontation between party officials and professors. He does not abandon the party, but he is not involved in its affairs. I don't believe Heidegger completely supported Hitler because he held conflicting political beliefs and...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Affordable Care Act and Prescription Drug Expenditures

The Affordable Care Act's Impact on American Healthcare The Affordable Care Act is one of the most significant events in the Obama administration since it has had a significant positive impact on healthcare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has recently come under attack, as current President Trump has been a vocal...

Words: 1225

Pages: 5

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