Essays on Political Science

Thomas Paine: from Common Sense, 681-689

Thomas Paine's Description of the Community Thomas Paine describes the community as individuals who are together with the greater good in order to accomplish a specific purpose. The situation is not true, since some individuals in a group can have very different interests that function in the opposite direction than others....

Words: 716

Pages: 3

contrast and compare

Socialism vs. Capitalism Socialism is a form of social organization that is generally referred to as a collectivist economy. It is basically a centrally organized economy in which the government manages all means of production. Capitalism, on the other hand, is a capitalist structure founded on the tenet of human freedom....

Words: 664

Pages: 3

Theory of the Social Contract

In several speeches relating to political science, the state has been the focal point. This can be traced from Plato's scholarly works to Karl Marx, who also delved into a study of the manner in which a state's structure and responsibilities have increasingly changed over time. There was no meeting of...

Words: 1764

Pages: 7

The Situation and the Holocaust

There has been a close association between the state and faith for decades; the relationship between the state and the church in particular. In modern days, not only in state decision-making, but also in politics, the church does not have such a dominant role as it did in the medieval...

Words: 1408

Pages: 6

Nonprofit Organizations

The non profit sector, with more than 1,5 million organisations, and a 5.3% share of the national GDP, is a significant force in the US (National Center for Charitable Statistics). Non-profit organizations play an important role in fostering democracy by educating the public about key problems and keeping the government...

Words: 421

Pages: 2

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