Essays on Philosophers

Bentham Jeremy and Immanuel Kant

Bentham was a philosopher who lived in the 18th Immanuel Kant, and Jeremy came up with two contrasting theoretical theories to describe the essence of morality. According to Bentham, the moral rightness of an action is determined by its outcome, whereas Kant's thesis explores the moral character of an effort...

Words: 1271

Pages: 5

Climate Change and Activist Movement

Individual freedom is defined as the ability to speak one's mind and act on it. A paradox, on the other hand, is a statement that takes opposing positions. When such a statement is investigated, however, it is discovered to be true. The paradox of freedom is the idea that there...

Words: 1775

Pages: 7

What makes a person's life go smoothly?

The question of whether or not a person's life is going well is frequently answered in terms of the person's well-being. Because physical, mental, and emotional health are all intertwined and one problem in one area has a negative impact on the others, well-being primarily refers to a person's physical,...

Words: 1740

Pages: 7

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli

During the Renaissance period, Italy used to be undergoing many unsettling events politically. As such, there were works produced through various humanists and philosophers with the one standing out amongst them being Niccolo Machiavelli. He was a philosopher, humanist, and a politician who later got here to write his book...

Words: 639

Pages: 3

Carl Jung's Synchronicity With Pauli and Freud

Carl Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology. His work has had a major impact on many fields. Read on to learn more about the man behind the theory. This article will discuss Jung's synchronicity with Pauli and Freud. It also covers the relationship between the two men...

Words: 759

Pages: 3

The Social Contract of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Denis Diderot and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Denis Diderot was a French philosopher who was the friend of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Both men contributed to Diderot s Encyclopedie and grew to become close friends. Despite their friendship, their relationship became strained at times. Diderot considered Rousseau to be vain, deceitful, and ungrateful. The...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt

In her seminal work The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt reveals the political motivations behind the Holocaust. While her disagreement with Heidegger is well known, her emphasis on direct citizen deliberation is not. This article outlines the political philosophy behind Arendt s work and examines some of the questions she tries...

Words: 479

Pages: 2

Plato's Republic

Introduction Since its publication in the early nineteenth century, Plato's Republic dialogue has been regarded as one of the most widely read dialogues. Socrates, as in other Plato compositions, takes center stage in this one. The Structure of Plato's Republic Plato's Republic is a structure that dates back to his middle age. Unlike...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

Al-and Ghazali's Descartes' skepticism

Following the historical insights of their cultures, there are many concepts to explore in Rene Descartes' and Al-philosophical Ghazali's positions. Descartes is regarded as the most prominent person who implemented the modern system of western philosophy in western countries (Descartes 2). On the other hand, some Muslim scholars and Western...

Words: 1701

Pages: 7

Aristotle's and Plato's Metaphysics

Aristotle's and Plato's MetaphysicsMetaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with elucidating the essence and origins of truth. Metaphysics attempts to justify the explanation for nature's existence and all that is in it. Aristotle defined it as "the first philosophy" and claimed that it is the knowledge that deals with...

Words: 3192

Pages: 12

What is Love and how does it play a Role in Plato’s The Republic and Virgil’s Aeneid

"Love" and its Many Expressions "Love" seems to be a very small or little word; one syllable, four letters that barely encompasses its many expressions. Clive Staples Lewis described "heart" as affection, philia, eros, and Caritas in his Four Loves, but there are several levels of love even beyond these four...

Words: 1637

Pages: 6

Locke versus Hobbes

Two of the most prominent philosophers of the 17th century were John Locke (1632-1704) and Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Their works, the Second Treatise on Government and the Leviathan, are valuable books in the field of political science, especially because they explain how and why civil society and government exist. However,...

Words: 2112

Pages: 8

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