Essays on New York City

People who have never been to America know it from news and television, so it’s not a surprise that the image of America in the minds of foreigners is largely represented by New York – which is a curious fact for your New York City essay! Authors of New York City essays note that this city is inhabited by over 8 million people from all around the world, which is why over 800 languages are spoken there. Essays on New York City mention that New York is the 24th largest city in the US. The current mayor of New York is Bill de Blasio. Peruse our New York City essay samples – we made sure to list a variety of essays covering different topics. We hope you will find our essay samples helpful!


The Guggenheim Museum is an artwork museum located in New York City and was established by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in 1939. The building that homes this museum was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is perceived as the temple of spirits. The Guggenheim 9 exclusive collections all combined...

Words: 792

Pages: 3

Ethnic Studies

My worldview has changed really by taking this Ethnic Studies class. I spend much of my time in my room alone reading books and watching movies like "No" to apartheid, making me extremely sensitive. I was brought up in a nearby white and I still live in the City of...

Words: 1054

Pages: 4

Twin Towers Terrorist act, 9/11

The Impact of the September 11th Attacks The acts of terrorism on the 11th of September in 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon, Washington, DC were a shock to the country. It resulted in more than 2,800 people being killed, and thousands wounded. The intensity...

Words: 589

Pages: 3

new york and tourism

New York is one of the largest cities in the United States. The massive scale of the state is due to the high number of economic activities that provide the city with a source of income that encourages development. The city drew 35 million visitors in 2002. However, the figure...

Words: 2369

Pages: 9

Sonny's Blues

Sonny's Blues Sonny's blues is a short story by James Baldwin that was published in 1957. The story is about two brothers who grow up in Harlem, a black neighborhood in New York City. The storyline centers around the obstacles and hardships that the two brothers and their friends faced in...

Words: 649

Pages: 3

McLawsuits and Obesity

Due to Torts' (Second) Restatement, measure a claimant's risk of obesity in the case of McDonald. In 2001, a trial took place in New York. An lawsuit against the person who had consumed the heavily fatted McDonald food was filed by lawyer Samuel Hirsch, who clarified that his client...

Words: 522

Pages: 2

Frisk and Stop

Introduction Stop and frisk became a program introduced by the New York police, which allowed law enforcement to stop and detain persons and search them if necessary when they showed fair suspicion of violating the law. This strategy has drawn massive debates, particularly due to the excessive stops that exist with...

Words: 819

Pages: 3

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