Essays on Literary Genres

Comparison Between The Works of Chinua Achibe and Alice Walker

Over the years the black culture has been associated with negative aspects such as drugs, violence, and crime. There has been some heated debate amongst the blacks following the constant concomitant. Different authors through their works have made the immense progression to address the issues in the best way possible...

Words: 4123

Pages: 15

Analysis of Dylan Thomas's Poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Dylan Thomas was a famous poet and writer who was born in the year 1914 in south Wales, Swansea; he passed on in 1953 in New York City. He wrote Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night as a message to implore his dying father, David John Thomas to...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

The Oriental Contingent by Diana Chang

Story Overview is a short story that appears bizarre, which discusses the mix up of identity among people of the same race or ethnic written by Diana Chang. Chang is a writer from the Asian American women's collection of novels called The Forbidden Stitch. The book follows inconsistent and hyper-vigilant perception...

Words: 278

Pages: 2

The Rise and Fall of Hurstwood and Carrie

In the novel Sister Carrie, Theodore Dressier affirms that human beings are victims of chance, social forces, and instinct. Carrie and Hurstwood are the protagonists in the novel, and Carrie ends up rising from her previous condition of poverty while Hurstwood fell from a position of privilege. Their rise and...

Words: 1679

Pages: 7

Everyday Use in Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"

Alice Walker's "Everyday Use": A Story of Heritage and Education Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” is a narrated story about a mother who has a conflicting relationship with her two daughters. The story is set in the sixties and seventies. Superficially, the story shows how the mother rejects her elder daughters' misplaced...

Words: 314

Pages: 2

Blake's Chimney Sweeper: Experience and Innocence

The poem "Chimney Sweeper" in Experience Songs and Innocence Songs illustrates Blake's single view presented in two different ways. To create a more accurate picture, the two poems must complement each other. The two poems are based on the narrators' activities of cleaning of chimneys and are representations of political...

Words: 299

Pages: 2

Influence of Robert Frost's Life on His Work

Introduction Literary work is inspired by the surrounding environment that allows the artists to represent the elements surrounding human life in a creative manner with hidden messages as witnessed in poetry, music, short stories, and novels. While literature can be deemed as a tool for entertainment, authors of literary work use...

Words: 1430

Pages: 6

A Comparison of the Character of Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys' Wide Sargassos Sea

Edward Rochester is a controversial and fictitious character in the two books; Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. In both novels, Mr. Rochester played a significant role though it is challenging to draw parallels between the two works. In both books, Rochester plays the...

Words: 1161

Pages: 5

Analysis of The Retreat by Henry Vaughan

“The Retreat” by Henry Vaughan “The Retreat” by Henry Vaughan has a close connection with the era of romanticism, reminding the audience of William Wordsworth and Thomas Hood amongst others through its yearning vision of early days as a time of spiritual wholeness, happiness and guiltlessness. Influence of George Herbert Much of Vaughan’s...

Words: 907

Pages: 4

The Structure of The Green House

The novel The Green House, was written by a well-known literature Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, published back in the year 1966. The writer of the novel, Mario Vargas Llosa was born on March 28, 1936, in Peru, and currently, he has established himself as one of distinguished...

Words: 1265

Pages: 5

Let America Be America Again

“Let America be America again” is a poem by Langston Hughes which depicts all the distinct cultures and races in America and how it normally ends with the rich and powerful overpowering other races. Hughes was one of the greatest contributors to Harlem Renaissance. He lived in an era where...

Words: 2064

Pages: 8

The Use of Irony in Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"

In “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson uses ironic figures and ironies to weave the story and maintain the readers’ attraction as she brings in her spiky criticisms. The title of the story is ironical as most of us know that ‘lottery’ is all about winning money. We have heard of the...

Words: 566

Pages: 3

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