Essays on Liberalism

Comparison and Contrast of Orthodox Liberalism and GPE Theories

Part 1:             Orthodox liberalism as presented by Adam Smith was developed to present an argument against the theory of mercantilist as well as the theory of colonialism. Liberalism established an approach that significance of the state should not come before the economy (Hobson 2018a). Classical liberalism presents an argument that...

Words: 2111

Pages: 8

Walt Whitman’s Liberalism and His Freethinking Behavior as Expressed in “Song of Myself”

The most well-known part of Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself," section 33, expresses Whitman's emotions, opinions, and thoughts about a variety of human actions and natural phenomena. Above all else, Whitman portrays himself as an independent thinker who is compassionate and open to understanding a variety of viewpoints. This humanistic...

Words: 1457

Pages: 6

Neoliberalism and the history of The US in the 20th century

The Rise of Neoliberalism The word "neoliberalism" was first coined by British economists, interwar continental thinkers, and philosophers to describe an economic theory that supported deregulation, privatization, and free markets while opposing the state and public institutions. In this situation, the government dismantles unions, liberalizes the economy, lowers taxes for businesses...

Words: 1389

Pages: 6


Neoliberalism maintains that although the world is tough and dangerous, there are more negative effects of deploying a state's military might than positive ones. Neoliberalism holds that even if each state has distinct core objectives, international collaboration is in the best interests of all nations. A liberal point of view,...

Words: 3326

Pages: 13

Classical Liberalism vs. Reform Liberalism-State vs. Private Provided Healthcare

In general, liberalism refers to the recognition of philosophies that differ from one's own. From a theoretical standpoint, two forms of liberalism are widely recognized: classical liberalism and reform liberalism. The former specifically relates to the idea of a focus on human rights in terms of expression, faith, press assembly, and...

Words: 1116

Pages: 5


Introduction Liberalism political philosophy was once founded by John Locke who believed that citizens have the capability to solve any concerns rationally without the use of violence. The philosophy additionally assumes that the government receives legitimacy from citizens and is mandated to protect people s property, existence and liberty. The contemporary...

Words: 591

Pages: 3

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Communitarianism

The value of social cohesion and equity is one of the theory's benefits (Selznick 445). Other modern cultural practices, such as liberalism, capitalism, and enlightenment, have resulted in wealth disparities. Disparities between rich and poor people create divisions, which lead to social issues like crime. The poor performance of American...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

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