Essays on Law Enforcement

The Impact of Police Performance on Public Satisfaction in Hong Kong

Public Satisfaction with Police Performance Public satisfaction with the performance of police officers is major concern not only for Hong Kong but also other countries because police performance is key to the public and determines the success of security officer operations. In addition, there is a considerable disagreement in the existing...

Words: 4499

Pages: 17

Community Policing in Singapore

In the most advanced economies, the state bodies refer to the practice of the community policing in order to develop respect between police and citizens of particular city during collaboration at one particular project. In fact, nature of the communication and collaboration between these two parties is not simples as...

Words: 4999

Pages: 19

The Impact of Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence in a Court Setting

The Influence of Instructions and Admissibility The main finding of the study is that in the case of a court setting, the jury goes by the instructions of the judge on what is considered to be admissible or not. Conviction is then based only on evidence that the judge agrees to...

Words: 318

Pages: 2

Gun Control in the United States

In the United States, guns represent a sacred emblem especially in regard to the attainment of Independence from the Great Britain. Guns are also crucial in the provision of security by the government through various agencies such as the secret service and the FBI among others. However, the recent mass...

Words: 1228

Pages: 5

The Impact of Gun Control on Crime

Crime incidences by gun users are rampant in the society. As a result family, friends and even the entire American communities have been devastated by such occurrences. For instance, there was a recent incident in a school in Florida, where the attacker managed to shoot children and eventually kill himself....

Words: 961

Pages: 4

Racial Profiling: An Unconstitutional Practice

Law enforcement agencies and the creation of profiles Law enforcement agencies seek to protect the rights of the people. Throughout its execution of duty, these agencies identified various patterns of law violations linked to certain characteristics of the perpetrators, allowing for the creation of profiles. From these, officers can infer the...

Words: 388

Pages: 2

Gun Laws in North Carolina

Establishment of Gun Ownership Policies Establishment of policies on the gun ownership and use among the residents of North Carolina is one of the strategies that can aid in the improvement of the welfare of the residents of the previously mentioned region. An analysis of the policies in the North California...

Words: 1182

Pages: 5

The Actions of Officer Jones Are Unconstitutional Under The Fourth Amendment

The actions of Officer Jones The actions that Officer Jones portrayed are unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment to the American Constitution sets the constraints on warrantless searches, stating that the rights of individuals to remain secured within their houses shall not be violated, and that no warrants shall...

Words: 679

Pages: 3

Cell Phone Searches Incident to Arrest

Upon examining the court’s decision as it relates to cell phone searches incident to arrest, I agree with it. I understand that cell phones contain private information about individuals and they have the rights to hold such information. However, there are situations whereby, it is critical for the police to...

Words: 293

Pages: 2

The Use of Force Continuum

The use of force to capture an offender by a law enforcement officer correlates to the offender’s willingness to surrender. There are no universally acceptable standards on the subject matter. When left uncheck, an offender’s rights are prone to abuse. The amount of force used is determined by the officers’...

Words: 378

Pages: 2

Gun Control Laws in the United States

Around nineteen kids lose their lives every day in America due to guns (Ingraham, 2017). Most recently on March 20, an armed student before taken down by the school resource officer shot two others at Great Mills High School. One of the students, Jaelynn Willey, who was sixteen years old,...

Words: 1876

Pages: 7

Fire, Police, and Media Relations

There are various calamities which most of the countries undergo through as far as disaster management is a concern. Some of these calamities include fire, floods, malnutrition, diseases outbreak and accidents. However, in this paper, we will outline how the fire outbreak has dramatically affected the United States society in...

Words: 1893

Pages: 7

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