Urban Renewal Project in New York and Philadelphia

Urban Renewal in New York and Philadelphia Urban renewal was a project carried out by the federal government to clear the fast-growing slums in the cities after the Second World War. The decades of growth of slums exhibited growth in crime, poverty in equal measures. New York and Philadelphia were among...

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Eminent Domain and The Los Angeles River

The Los Angeles River The Los Angeles River has always graced California City for ages now. For what can look like an analysis of the past, the river has not altered the good ambience that it contributes to in California. This was the case up until the year 2013, when the...

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Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Nelson Mandela's Imprisonment Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison, 18 of them at the horrifying Robben Island Prison, which had previously been a leper community and was situated off the coast of Cape Town. Conditions at Robben Island Prison Mandela was forced to perform difficult manual work at a lime mine in...

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Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase is undoubtedly one of the main land deals in American history. When buying more than 800,000 square miles of territory from France in 1803, the United States paid roughly 15 million dollars. (Fradin). This agreement was possibly Thomas Jefferson's most significant accomplishment while in office....

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Institutional racism

Housing discrimination and institutional racism date back to the period following the conclusion of the Civil War. The infamous Jim Crow Laws were implemented following the conflict. These rules prohibited discrimination based on race and ethnicity. Disability discrimination tended to be more severe if a person was African American. Because...

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Pages: 11

Use of Force by Police

The Importance of Police in Neighborhood Safety The safety of neighborhood members is greatly enhanced by the police. As a result, Canada gives law enforcement officials broad authority, including the ability to carry weapons and use deadly force when required. Anyone approved by the law is allowed to engage in law...

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Economic bubbles and why they occur

Bubbles are brief economic periods in which asset prices rise. In this case, everyone experiences the euphoria of wealth and follows the same road as everyone else. A housing bubble, for example, can form, as happened during the financial crisis. The financial sector made owning a home appear so appealing...

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Galaxy Toys SWOT Analysis

Galaxy Toys is a toy manufacturing firm specializing in space-related toys. The company has been in business for sixty years and has established itself as an industry leader in the manufacturing and sale of toys. Galaxy Inc has been able to achieve and sustain exceptional growth in both sales and...

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Outdoor Metal Buildings

Carports, outdoor garages, greenhouses, pavilions, and pet shelters are all examples of outdoor metal buildings. These structures can be used for both business and non-commercial purposes. The fundamental benefit of outdoor metal buildings is their durability, affordability, and versatility (Charlie). A metal garage, for example, can be used for a variety...

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Fairs can be as short as an afternoon or as long as several weeks (Laughlin and Beattie 09). Fairs come in a variety of forms. One example is a street fair, which is usually conducted on the main street of a community to highlight the essence of that particular neighborhood....

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Pages: 10

The economy of America after the Great Depression

Despite the Aftermath of the Great Recession Despite the fact that the Great Recession ended in 2009, the majority of Americans are out of work or are unable to find full-time employment. There are still instances of shaky housing prices and economic disparity. European investors are concerned about the stability of...

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Development appraisal

A development appraisal is a critical component of any development project. It entails a financial feasibility test in which the ability of a project to pay its financial responsibilities while assuring appropriate site value for the landowner and an appealing return for the developer is assessed. A development evaluation can...

Words: 1730

Pages: 7

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