Essays on Geology

Limestone and Conglomerate in Contact

Conglomerate and limestone are both sedimentary rocks but of different kinds, and though it is possible that they could be found in contact with each other, the possibility of finding them in contact is very low because of the difference in the ways the two types of rocks minerals are...

Words: 386

Pages: 2

Martin Luther king

Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk and a Christian philosopher whose writings inspired the Protestant Reformation and had a significant influence on the beliefs of many different Christian traditions. I was born in Eisleben in 1483, and after becoming a German monk, I started one...

Words: 1600

Pages: 6

The Short Story: U.F.O in Kushiro by Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami's "U.F.O in Kushiro" and its Inspiration Haruki Murakami drew inspiration from actual occurrences surrounding the 1995 earthquake in Japan for his short story "U.F. O in Kushiro." According to reports, the traumatic incident claimed the lives of several residents of the Kobe region of contemporary Japan. Despite the distressing...

Words: 1189

Pages: 5

The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America by Stephen G. Rabe

The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America, by renowned scholar Stephen G. Rabe, provides a detailed account of what happened in Latin America during the Cold War era. The book is widely praised for its in-depth analysis and criticism of the US government's then-regional policies....

Words: 1318

Pages: 5

Biggest earthquakes in the history of China

On May 12, 2008, one of the largest earthquakes in Chinese history struck Sichuan (Northwest of Chengdu). The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.0 on the Richter scale (Han Q., Du, X., Liu, J., Li, Z., Li, L. & Zhao, J., 2009). The epicenter of the earthquake was located 80...

Words: 1741

Pages: 7

The Appalachian Mountains Essay

The Appalachian Mountains The Appalachian Mountains are located in eastern North America. They stretch from Newfoundland to Alabama and are made up of valleys, ridges, and mountains (Dykeman, 2017). Between 310 and 245 million years ago, the Appalachian Mountains formed. Continental plates that are continually altering their positions make up the...

Words: 1382

Pages: 6

The East African Rift

The East African Rift formed 22-25 million years ago. The Rift was formed as a result of plate tectonics, with the Somalian and Nubian plates moving away from the Arabian Plate. Because of these forces, significant sections of the crust sank between the two parallel fault lines, forcing molten rocks...

Words: 2523

Pages: 10

Eruptions of volcanoes

Volcano Eruptions Volcano eruptions occur when lava and gas are exposed from a volcanic vent. Because of the flow of lava, this generates movement of people around the volcano, as well as landslides. Types of Eruptions The most destructive type of eruption is known as an avalanche. The incandescent magma that erupts is...

Words: 1315

Pages: 5


Komura Left Home Komura left home with the package wrapped in a heavy shirt in his suitcase. The plane was much more packed than he had expected. Why were so many people traveling from Tokyo to Kushiro in the dead of winter?Murakami's Definition Murakami (2006) defines formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized...

Words: 1322

Pages: 5

Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption: A Case Study

Introduction For as long as the planet has existed, volcano eruptions have been a common feature of geology. The same has posed numerous threats to the world, including loss of life, property destruction, and the environment in general. Super eruptions, in particular, pose a more significant threat. Active volcanoes worldwide have...

Words: 1458

Pages: 6

An earthquake

An earthquake is a series of vibrations caused by the sudden rupture or rebounding of rocks in areas where elastic strain accumulates slowly within the Earth's crust. Different plates make up the Earth's outer layer. The leaves aren't stationary; they continue to move. Their movement is responsible for the formation of mountains,...

Words: 1058

Pages: 4

The World is Moving Around Me

The World is Moving Around Me: A Memoir of the Haiti Earthquake Introduction The book The World is Moving Around Me is based on the account of an eyewitness who uses his memory to write down the events that occurred. It outlines the events that happened during the earthquake and the resulting...

Words: 802

Pages: 3

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