Essays on Food Safety

Raj Patel's Stuffed and Starved

Raj Patel is a well-known authority on dietary regulations. He is well-versed in writing as well. He has written numerous works. One of his most popular novels ever is "Stuffed and Starved." He has held positions at a number of organizations, including the World Bank. Focusing on the sustainability of...

Words: 1063

Pages: 4

School ban on chocolate milk

Chocolate milk may be banned in schools due to added sugar (Hoag 1). I concur with the article s discussion of the current worry that milk with a chocolate flavor contains too much sugar. Flavored milk is not a healthy choice for kids because it includes added sugar,...

Words: 1228

Pages: 5

Companies should label foods to inform consumers about GMO

One of the hotly debated topics in the documentary Food Inc. (2008) is food company disclosure. According to the pundit, if firms completely disclosed statistics on the food consumed by American homes. He claims that if people realized the truth about what they were eating, they would cease eating some...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

The financial plan of universal organic food services

Introduction Food that has been grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, conventional pesticides, radiation, dye, or human wastes is considered organic. It suggests that using growth hormones and refraining from using antibiotics during animal rearing (Allen, 2006 p. 11).Universal Organic Food Services Financial Plan The goal of the Universal Organic Food...

Words: 600

Pages: 3

Relax You Don't Need to Eat Clean

Carroll attempted to establish the dietary principles that should guide the choice of food in his article "Relax You Don't Need to Eat Clean" (Carroll n.p). He bases his arguments on other research studies and historical events in order to demonstrate the inconsistencies in the scientific attempt to define healthy...

Words: 1178

Pages: 5

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