Essays on Elections

Why and how Ted Cruz is a better candidate than Beto O’Rourke

The United States Senate elections will be held on 6th November 2018.  Texas has attracted a lot of attention due to a historically uncommon scenario. The incumbent Senator Ted Cruz launched his bid for re-election with a new Texas-branded slogan and a video. However, that is not all. Ted Cruz...

Words: 930

Pages: 4

Bandwagon Effect through Opinion Polls in Elections

The Bandwagon Effect and its Application The bandwagon effect is a phenomenon where individuals will likely follow the opinions and suggestion of other people without having to make their own decision (Rothschild, and Neil). The aspect has been applied in politics since the 19th century where people will likely vote for...

Words: 453

Pages: 2

Civic Responsibility and Voting

Civic responsibility refers to the duty of a citizen. It comprises of actions that are geared towards social participation and governance within a society. Depending on constitutional and social policies in a community, civic responsibility may entail responsibilities in government, churches, and voluntary groups (Dalton and Welzel 5). Furthermore, advocacy...

Words: 884

Pages: 4

The Two Party System and the Multi-Party System

The Difference Between Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems The major difference, thus between the two-party system and the multiparty system is based on the fact that in the two party systems countries only have two major parties therefore, elections contests are only between two candidates from the two major political parties; such...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

Role of Technology in Politics

Choi, S., Kim, B. (2012). Voter Intention to use E-Voting Technologies: Security, Technology Acceptance, Election Type and Political Ideology. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 433-452. This article discusses the features of e-voting technology, in a world of political contexts. The article discusses different types of elections and how...

Words: 1461

Pages: 6

The Importance of Voting

Voting and Democracy Voting is an essential exercise towards the democracy of a nation. It is only through voting that we can manage to bring change to the government and ensure the citizens get quality. Voting can either lead to long-term suffering on citizens when the wrong leaders ascend to power...

Words: 839

Pages: 4

Comparative Analysis of Proportional and First-Past-The-Post Electoral Systems

The Soundness of Democracy and the Role of Elections The primary metrics for the soundness of democracy in the modern day societies include the ability to host free, fair, and open elections whereby the citizens cast secret votes to choose their preferred leaders to achieve consented leadership through the electoral process....

Words: 1830

Pages: 7

The Causes of Low Voter Turnout in Texas

Low Voter Turnout in Texas Low voter turnout has become one of the most common problems in the United States politics. In fact, it is admissible to indicate that less than a half of the country citizen vote in most elections. In particular, Texas has been of the most affected state...

Words: 345

Pages: 2

Voter Turnout in the US

1. Cancela, Joao, and Benny Geys. Explaining voter turnout: A meta-analysis of national and subnational elections. Electoral Studies 42 (2016): 264-275. In this book, Cancela and Benny analyzes how the use of capital influences voter turnout in elections. They postulate that the more money used for campaigns, the more...

Words: 348

Pages: 2

‘CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage’

CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage was CNN’s coverage of the 2016 US general elections, which included the presidential election. With the assistance of other CNN correspondent journalists based in several American states, including Georgia, Carolina, Kentucky, and other states, the program was anchored by Van Jones,...

Words: 489

Pages: 2

The Political System

The Bundestag, the lower house of parliament, is chosen through a complicated electoral process in Germany. The voting process combines the advantages of both proportional and direct representation while also guarding against historical election errors in Germany that resulted in political splintering during the Weimer Republic between World Wars I...

Words: 2356

Pages: 9

independent voters

Independent voters were believed to be a phantom before surveys were used in study. Political independents' effects were neither investigated nor comprehended. It was often believed that men would vote for individuals above political parties. Independent voters were assumed to support the beliefs of the party they claimed to lean...

Words: 4733

Pages: 18

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