Essays on Christianity

Influence of Christianity in Tongan Society before and after European Contact

The need to possess an in depth analysis of the Tongan historiography was overdue before Christine Gailey’s attempt. The Tongan Kingdom may be a Polynesian state that's pleased with its distinct cultural heritage which is primarily related to the very fact that it had been never colonized by any of...

Words: 1400

Pages: 6

Major ideas of effective altruism

Introduction Doing good and living for the benefit of others is an important part of everyone's life. God and the Bible teach people to be morally upright and to sacrifice for others. Nowadays, talking about effective altruism as a way to explain people's actions is becoming more popular. The purpose of...

Words: 1113

Pages: 5

Differences and Similarities between Islam and Christianity

Historically the Religion The religion can be traced back to its roots in the middle years, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and many more. Christianity and Islam, however, are the world's largest and most common religions. This paper will assess the distinctions and similarities between Christianity and Islam (Miner & Maureen 79). Likenesses The...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

Sin as a Mankind's struggle

"If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it." Genesis 4:7, New King James Version. Since the formation of heaven and earth, the word sin has...

Words: 4124

Pages: 15

Essentials of the Gospel

A worldview is simply a way of perceiving reality; it is how people perceive the world around them. A worldview implicitly represents humanity's perspective on the universe. Since perception is subjective, each person's understanding of the world is special. Human beings make choices about their lives, values, and how to...

Words: 1953

Pages: 8

Essentials of the Gospel

A worldview is a term that describes the foundation of truth that society uses to perceive and coexist. A worldview implicitly represents humanity's perspective on the universe. While everybody has a worldview, it is exclusive to them. Humans make choices about their lives, values, and how to live based on...

Words: 1879

Pages: 7

Ephesians Situation and Purpose Analysis

People in Ephesus and the Message of God People in Ephesus, where the Ephesians lived and where Artemis lived, did various ungodly things, such as worshiping gods and engaging in both unethical and immoral practices. God's primary purpose in sending Paul was to bring the gospel to the world's communities and...

Words: 400

Pages: 2

Christian theology

Christian theology illuminates a variety of topics that affect human life. It teaches Christians, in particular, to allow their faith in jesus christ to explain certain issues, especially when it comes to death. Death is a subject that both believers and non-believers have several concerns about. Allowing one's faith to...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

Anglican Tradition Theological Essay

Many denominations have emerged as a result of the growth and spread of Christianity around the world. According to Oliver (2015), these sects have different traditions, values, adherents, and doctrines when it comes to their Christian beliefs. Furthermore, denominations continue to grow and integrate into sub-denominations, resulting in the emergence...

Words: 1938

Pages: 8

Gothic and Catholic Cathedral Churches

The Gothic Church The Gothic church used to be a place of worship for the Anglicans. It comes into existence due to the arrival of Benedictines Nuns to Kylemore. In 1920, the Gothic Church was re-dedicated as the Catholic Church. It is also a stunning testimony of the Mitchell Henry love...

Words: 427

Pages: 2

Christmas Holidays Commercialization

The concept of Christmas has changed over the years and this change can be attributed to innovation in entrepreneurship and commercialization. The true which means of Christmas, which was anciently marked as a holy day to celebrate the birth of Christ has modified its meaning over the years. Instead, most...

Words: 559

Pages: 3

For Christians, Jesus is the ultimate role model

The Ultimate Role Model: Jesus The ultimate model is Jesus for Christians; he is the individual whose personality, actions, example and norm all can imite (Blanchard and Phil 18). According to the Bible, "Because God had previously known his people, he chose them as his Son, so that he would make...

Words: 615

Pages: 3

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