Essays on Buddhism

Buddhism and Human Nature

According to ancient Indian ideology According to ancient Indian ideology, human can be defined as atman (Gombrich, 2006). The atman is an externally prevailing spiritual substance that establishes an abiding person moving one body to the other one at rebirth. However, Buddhism rejected this ideology. Rendering to Buddhism, everything is usually...

Words: 1538

Pages: 6

Comparison of Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism

Introduction There are hundreds upon hundreds of faith groups and religions across the world whose belief system could be quite controversial and contrasting. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism are some of the notable eastern religions in the world. The three religions are believed to originate from the Indian subcontinent thousands of years...

Words: 1113

Pages: 5

The Importance of Meditation in Buddhism

Buddhism and Meditation Buddhism encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices that are aimed at guiding followers toward enlightenment journey as well as obtaining blessings. The common form of Buddhism is the practice of meditation. In Buddhist society, various meditation practices are beneficial in achieving certain objectives like healthy mind/body,...

Words: 689

Pages: 3

The Factors That Led to the Spread of Buddhism in Southeast Asia

Theravada Buddhism which in modern is predominant as compared to the other form of Buddhism called Mahayana. The other major factor is marriage among the people practicing Buddhism and non-Buddhist. This factor of marriage is also tied to the gradual cultural assimilation by new settler (that is the Buddhist missionaries)....

Words: 478

Pages: 2

Analysis of the Artwork Manjushri

Manjushri: An Indian Image with Historical and Cultural Significance Manjushri is an Indian image constructed in the early 10th century. Manjushri is classified as a sculpture that has a dimension of 15 cm (Anandajyoti). The History and Impact of Manjushri The picture was given as a gift in the museum back in 1983,...

Words: 922

Pages: 4

Analysis of Luxury of Islam Art

Luxury of Islamic Art Luxury of Islam art includes vegetal and floral art, geometrical art and calligraphy. The use of this form of art "conditioned to some extent by the Islamic prohibition of the imitation of living creatures" (Saoud). The artwork did not have a representation of life in them. For...

Words: 726

Pages: 3

Yama: The Hindu God of Death

Art is an important aspect of human life in both the present and the past because of the various roles it plays. As an art from Southern Asia and particularly India, Yama is a good portrait indicating the Indian God of Death dating back to 17th to 18th century. He...

Words: 1428

Pages: 6


Currently, one might be inclined to claim that Buddhism only has a minor role in Chinese religion; however, it would be unwise to downplay the significance of how Buddhism has historically impacted Chinese beliefs and practices. (Fowler and Fowler 2012). The book s writers are attempting to demonstrate the impact Buddhism...

Words: 298

Pages: 2

Woman’s Role in Buddhism

Up until recently, there wasn t a lot of study on Buddhist women to be found. As women in Buddhism have changed the religion and played a crucial part, recent studies have concentrated on feminism research. When it comes to women s access to leadership roles, other religions like Judaism...

Words: 2428

Pages: 9

How to Draw a Mandala

A Sacred Geometric DesignA mandala is a sacred geometric design that has been used in art and architecture by various cultures around the world. Mandalas are often thought to represent spiritual or mental balance, peace of mind, and harmony, but the exact meaning of a mandala varies from culture to...

Words: 480

Pages: 2

The Dalai Lama essay

Introduction His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a man who teaches that happiness comes from within, not from material possessions. He also teaches that peace and harmony is important to all. He is the spiritual leader of Tibet and a prominent public speaker. His message is to inspire and share Buddhism...

Words: 625

Pages: 3


The biggest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur, is a Buddhist temple from the 9th century located in Central Java, Indonesia. One of the biggest Buddhist monuments in the entire globe is this one. Three circular and six square platforms make up the temple's nine stacked levels, which have Buddha...

Words: 644

Pages: 3

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