Disappearing Outdoor Food Stalls of Honk Kong

Hong Kong's Outdoor Food Stalls: A Vanishing Tradition Hong Kong's dai pai dongs, or outdoor food vendors, were once common among city dwellers but are now on the verge of extinction. The outdoor stalls sold delicious Chinese food at reasonable prices. Despite their success, dai pai dongs have a bleak future....

Words: 607

Pages: 3

Hitachi Domestic, Legal and Technological Climate

Through setting up its manufacturing companies in those countries, the Hitachi group of companies plays a key role in the Asian continent. Via a socially creative company in Asia, these businesses are contributing. Hitachi discovers the dilemma posed by people in Singapore and Hong Kong and invents technologies to overcome the...

Words: 494

Pages: 2

Buddhism in India

Buddhism in India and South-East Asian Nations Buddhism in India and South-East Asian nations is the film by Benoy Behl that describes the Buddhist heritage of India and the countries of the Southeast Asia. During 500s BC, the notion of reincarnation was extra powerful among Indian, however they did not want...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

Recovery from tohoku earthquake and tsunami

March 11, 2011: A Dark Day in Japanese History March 11, 2011, will go down in Japanese history as one of the country s darkest days. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake rocked Tohoku, causing a huge tsunami and a nuclear disaster that swept homes, bridges, and other facilities about six miles inland....

Words: 497

Pages: 2

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