Luxor Inc. - Ethical Issues and Bullying

Luxor Inc. is facing several problems as a result of unethical activities and executive bullying. The sector is experiencing economic difficulties, which has resulted in layoffs. As a result, there has been a decrease in employee morale, as well as the perpetuation of corrupt activities by certain members of the staff. Any of these cover staff abusing sick leave and overbilling customers. Client overbilling can erode their confidence in the company, affecting potential customer relationships. To address these issues, it is necessary to clarify to staff the reasons for the cuts and to implement a clear code of ethics.

Conflicts and Code of Conduct

Part Two
Luxor Inc. is confronted with many conflicts. Every department has some resolved issues. Many members of the staff from the junior to the senior levels are always at loggerheads. It is a matter which requires immediate attention to avoid it from escalating into further problems. The conflicts are mainly due to the existence of a weak code of conduct governing the employees' relations. The escalation of these conflicts might slow down the operations of the enterprise and translate into financial losses. The adoption of a robust code of ethic can significantly assist in resolving these conflicts.

Code of Ethics for Luxor Incorporated


All members of the staff shall treat each other and the clients with utmost respect and in a way they would want to be treated. Members are expected to comprehensively explain their colleagues and the organization's customers their scope and the limitations of their authority. The company shall compensate all the employees a reasonable amount for their services in a clear and timely manner (Webley, 2003). Members of the staff shall not directly or indirectly give misleading information to the customers or their colleagues. Information given out should reflect the company's actual position.


Integrity is a virtue taken by the organization seriously. When dealing with the clients, members of the staff are expected to disclose all the costs and benefits accrued to a particular transaction. Customers are not supposed to enter into a contract with the company without having understood the terms and conditions. Customers need to be billed the actual amount. In the case of any overbilling instance, the same should be corrected with immediate effect and an apology provided to the client. Sick days need to be used due to the human resources guides. Failure to comply with this amounts to professional misconduct and might lead to severe punishment. In any instance of potential conflict of interest, the concerned members of staff need to communicate the same to the client before rendering any services.


The organization recognizes and appreciates the necessity of privacy for all the details concerning the employees, customers and the outside world. Regarding this, all the information collected from staff and customers need to be respected and safeguarded as required by the organizational laws and the existing legal framework. All employees are expected to take adequate steps to assure all the concerned stakeholders of the privacy of their information. Concerning this, members need to implement the best compliance procedures to provide the security of all the information held by the organization.


All members of the staff need to make efforts in order to ensure that they gather enough information to accurately assess the needs of the clients (Hendrikse & Hendrikse, 2003). Employees are expected to know all the company's products and services before dealing with any customer. Members shall offer their professional services after exercising due diligence and are to ensure that they act as per the interests of the clients.


All members are expected to possess the required and appropriate skills and expertise needed to offer excellent services. Additionally, they are supposed to provide these services within the existing legal framework and the company's guidelines. Members need to regularly enhance their skills through training and seminars as required by the organization. Employees should regularly seek the legal and professional counsel before making important decisions on behalf of the clients. In case a member is not entirely qualified to offer a particular service, he or she shall not do so and should instead refer such cases to the qualified staff.


The organization imposes an obligation on all the members not to compromise their career or rational judgment due to bias, conflict of interests or because of undue influence from outside parties. In compliance with this, all employees need to maintain professional knowledge and skills at all times and comprehensively consult before making substantial judgments. Moreover, they need to exercise sound judgment in applying expertise regarding the execution of duties vested in them.

Professional Diligence and Due Care

Members of the staff need to ensure that their colleagues understand and act in a way which is consistent with the requirements of the code of ethic. Employees should not accept any failures by their fellow members who act contrary to the code of conduct. All members are expected to bring any violations to the code of ethic to the attention of the organization in a manner described by the company. Members shall not threaten to bring false complaints under this code of ethics with the intention of harassing, injuring, embarrassing, or unfairly accusing each other.


People deserve to work in a set up where there are treated with the dignity they deserve. The organization is committed to establishing such an environment. All employees need to accord their colleagues and the clients respect. All forms of abusive and offensive behaviors will not be tolerated in the organization. Any employee who feels harassed needs to report the same to the Human Resources Department.

Professional Behaviour

Members are expected to act as per the guidelines provided by this code of ethics. Additionally, they are supposed to comply with the various professional bodies when dispensing their duties (Ferreira, Erasmus, & Groenewald, 2010). Members shall reasonably cooperate with the organization and the code of ethics. All members employed by the organization are expected to have passed background check ad uphold good moral character throughout their professional service.

Observing the Law

The company operates under many laws. All employees are required to commit to these statutes when doing business. Further, all employees need to have an in-depth understanding of the organizational laws and the national legislation. If one is not sure, he or she should feel free to seek an expert advice.


Ferreira, E. J., Erasmus, A. W., & Groenewald, D. ( 2010). Administrative Management. Juta and Company Ltd.
Hendrikse, J. W., & Hendrikse, L. (2003). Business Governance Handbook: Principles and Practice, Volume 1. Juta and Company Ltd.
Webley, S. (2003). Developing a Code of Business Ethics: A Guide to Best Practice Including the IBE Illustrative Code of Business Ethics. Institute of Business Ethics..

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