Ethical Issues in the Atlanta Public Schools Scandal

Alan (par. 6)

Alan indicated that the investigations about the inflated results of the Atlanta public schools were conducted in accordance with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC). Moreover, the accused including the district officials were all presented to the Fulton County Superior Court for inquiries led by Judge Baxter. However, the judgment as was made by Jerry Baxter raises questions: the accused did not deserve the racketeering charges and 20 years in prison. The felony charges are not meant for the teachers.

The ethical concerns in the scandal

The introductory parts of the investigations were handled in a legal and ethical manner as dictated by the constriction: the accused are to be questioned before the judge. However, as the case proceeded, jurors violated the ethical guidelines of trials and some of the reliable sources of information like the hotline calls that were made by the institution were not used.

The employment issues in the case

AJC does not promote the dismissal of teachers based on the court claims yet Judge Baxter concluded the case by sending the convicted culprits to a 20 years’ imprisonment. In as much as the State and Local Laws of the district of Georgia recommend dismissal, it has to be done within the constitutional reals. Nevertheless, cheating in the examinations is regarded more serious than the misdemeanor.

My thoughts

In my own opinion, Judge Baxter mishandled the case. The length of the investigation was long enough to allow for the collection of enough evidence for the court and that was not shown. However, I do not support Hall’s actions and response to the case. At least she was to give a better account of the occurrences.

Work cited

Blinder, Alan. “Atlanta Educators Convicted in School Cheating Scandal.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 1 Apr. 2015,

Atlanta Journal Constitution Investigation. “AJC: Cheating on Student Achievement Tests.” Ajc, 2018,

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