Synthesis Essays

This type of academic writing represents a synthesis or a clever mixture of various views on a provided topic. See our essay examples to see how the authors incorporate discovered sources to determine different opinions and connect them with a strong thesis. As a rule, you do not have to defend any opinion because the aim here is to discuss and outline a synthesis of someone else’s research work. Even though every paper sample that you will encounter will remind you of a summary, do not forget to include a personal opinion in your essay example. Every source that you use in a synthesis essay paper must have a clear connection to your thesis statement, either supporting your opinion or taking the opposite side.

An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo

Joy Harjo: An Introduction Joy Harjo is an American poet, author, musician, and playwright. She served as the 23rd United States Poet Laureate, the first Native American to hold the position. She also holds the distinction of being only the second Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to serve three terms. Her...

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Chinua Achebe - Nigerian Writer, Critic, and Poet

Chinua Achebe's Life Chinua Achebe is a Nigerian writer, critic, and poet who occupies a pivotal position in modern African literature. His magnum opus, Things Fall Apart, is still one of the most widely studied and translated African works. His life, writing, and influence are the topics of this article. chinua achebe's...

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What Are Feed Additives?

Types of Feed Additives There are several types of feed additives. These include enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics, antioxidants, and antibiotic growth promoters. Their main purpose is to improve the digestibility of bound nutrients and animal gut health. Some also aim to improve the quality of the animal's food by decreasing nutrient...

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For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway

For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway. It was first published in 1940 and tells the story of Robert Jordan, an American attached to a Republican guerrilla unit during the Spanish Civil War. His assignment was to blow...

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Essay on Peter Skrzynecki

Peter Skrzynecki is an Australian poet of Polish and Ukrainian descent. His poetry is very personal and often deals with difficult subjects. He has published more than fifty books and is widely read. His works have won awards, and are found in several anthologies. He has a website, too, which...

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Essay on Claude Monet

Claude Monet: A Pioneer of Impressionist Painting Claude Monet was a French painter who pioneered the style of impressionist painting. His paintings portray nature as he saw it. His work is considered an important precursor to modernism. Monet used a variety of techniques to create paintings that are considered a reflection...

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The Phantom of the Opera

"Phantom of the Opera" is a musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Charles Hart. Based on a novel by Gaston Leroux, the play is one of the most beloved Broadway shows ever. You'll love the story, the eerie set design, and the performances by a stellar...

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The Art of the Essayist Review

The Art of The Essayist The Art of The Essayist has been described as the 'Spectator of life, a multitude of confused associations, whims, and so on'. He must be spontaneous and have a wide mind. The writer is a 'Spectator of life, a multiplicity of associations and loyalties'. Essayist is a...

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How Nearshoring Reduces Production Costs at Zara

If you're looking for affordable high-end fashion, Zara might be the answer. The company produces approximately 12,000 styles per year. This allows it to replace popular styles quickly and offer a larger choice for the consumer. In addition, the company's Nearshoring practices have greatly reduced the amount of time that...

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Breaking Bad Review

Breaking Bad: A Must-Watch TV Show Breaking Bad is one of the most popular shows on television right now. It's created by Vince Gilligan and stars Rian Johnson and Michelle MacLaren. The show's action-packed plotlines grew an audience like Heisenberg's meth empire. It is now on its fifth season, and fans...

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Salman Rushdie - Indian-born British-American writer

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is an Indian-born British-American writer who writes primarily historical fiction and magic realism. He often explores the links between Eastern and Western civilizations. Many of his books are set on the Indian subcontinent. In this article, we'll talk about Rushdie's books, the style of writing He...

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The Complete Poems of Claude McKay

A poet and writer from Jamaica, Claude McKay was an important figure during the Harlem Renaissance. His poetry was widely recognized and his wit and humour were influential in the development of the genre. His Complete Poems are considered one of the most important works of American literature.Claudius "Claude" McKay Festus...

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Pages: 3

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