“Does the legalization of Marijuana increase in Teens smoking

The article “Does the legalization of Marijuana Increase the Smoking Rate Among Teens?

I chose the subject because I have observed many people, especially my friends, engage in the habit of smoking marijuana, and I hope that this essay would inform me in some way.
The opening is good and sets the tone for the entire article by outlining the problem of marijuana legalization in numerous nations, both for medical and recreational uses. Additionally, it appears that the article’s topic of discussion was introduced in the opening. Some states as seen in the articles have legalized marijuana, but as expected, it has not had any effect on the teens. The thesis statement is well put, and it is detailed to perfection.

Literature review

The introductory paragraph is well written, clearly showing how the various countries have legalized marijuana, and eliciting questions on whether other states should follow suit. The literature review has a good flow, which makes one easy to follow, just like any other research paper. However, I noted that some of the in-text citations were not correctly used for some of the various sources the article has used to support the information, such as that of Hunningpost. There is also a poor use of the in-text citations in the literature review. The sources are relevant to the topic of the article, since they apparently show how the two variables relate. Additional sources ought to have been used to support the discussion fully, references that additionally, are peer-reviewed and scholarly. The conclusion is relevant to the discussion, and it very well sums up the review.


I was exhilarated by the way a catching hypothesis is used, which is logical and well used to bring up a discussion in the literature review. The dependent and the independent variables have been well pointed out, which makes the reader understand more about the research and additionally, they have well defined as well as ways of measuring pointed out.


The methods of data collection did not match up my expectations. The use of surveys and questionnaires alone does not quantify the data sources. There is a need for additional data collection methods, as well as data sources, which also include various data sets in online databases. The proposed time design is well explained to be longitudinal. The sampling method goes in hand with the population selected for the study.


The ethics to be followed while executing the study have been well explained, and for sure, once they are observed, they will lead to an authentic research, that can be relied upon and from which further research can be based upon.

Clarity and language use.

I have noted with a point of concern some grammar mistakes that ought to be collected. The use of relative pronouns ought to be perfect. The flow of information and clarity of information is there, but grammar must be improved. The language of research is well followed since there is no use of the personal pronouns

Works Cited


Their needs are some corrections in the way the works cited section is written. For instance, the works section should not be numbered, but instead, alphabetical order should be used to identify them. Also, the second part each source should be flush left, which is not keenly followed in the paper.

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