Discourse on Nelson Mandela

Discourse on Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was born in Qunu, South Africa, to a tribal leader. He was to replace his father, according to tradition. He decided to seek a career in politics instead.

In the year 1939, Nelson Mandela went to Fort Hare University College, where he studied Roman-Dutch law in preparation for a civil service profession, a career perceived to be the best a black man could do at that time.

In 1944, Mandela joined the African National Congress, a move that signaled the start of his political career. Nelson Mandela is a sign of people's solidarity, strength, and bravery, not just those he supported in South Africa but the world as a whole, as depicted by the influence he had in world governance.

Nelson Mandela's Positive Attitude

Nelson Mandela can be described as an individual with a positive attitude, forgiving and kind to not only those who have done him good but those who oppressed him. His positive attitude was depicted in the decision he made to forgive all those who had jailed him.

At the time of being elected as president of South Africa in the year 1994, Mandela could have chosen to retaliate in a bid to have those who wrongfully jailed him pay for their mistakes. Instead, he focused on building a unified South Africa, comprising both the blacks and whites. Indeed, he focused on passing a message to the world on the need to recognize the rights of every human being regardless of their color, race or creed. He sought to remind the world to grant equal access to education, medical attention and freedom regardless of their color.

Inspiration from Mandela's Imprisonment

Mandela is a source of inspiration to many across the world. He was jailed for 27 years on Robben Island. The source of inspiration draws from the fact that he was imprisoned agitating for equal treatment for all races. Mandela stayed in prison for a long time, without giving up on fighting for what he felt was truly right and just.

This was inspirational because it motivated the rise of movements aimed at ensuring that there was equality in the treatment of people. Today, people draw inspiration from the fact that as a single individual, he looked beyond his personal desires, preserved the suffering and mistreatment by the Apartheid regime just to send a message of equal rights for everyone. His release after 27 years was instrumental in reconciling people who were initially divided on the grounds of differences in race.

Mandela's Speeches and Spread of Love

The speeches made by Nelson Mandela depicted positivity, while at the same time spreading the message of love to people across the globe. Indeed, his speech was felt in different parts of the world, especially because of the widespread cases of discrimination based on color.

In one of his speeches, he identified that anger was only a temporary feeling that would soon be forgotten by those harboring the same, particularly if one was engaged in positive activities with a positive attitude. This formed the basis of ensuring that love and unity dominated by people of a different class or origin.

Overall, Nelson Mandela will be remembered for his relentless efforts in ensuring that the people across the globe grew together in harmony, love, and unity. His story is that of resilience, perseverance, and steadfastness in the quest for unity.

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