Could a job be made to be more fulfilling and interactive?

The Ultimate Aim of Government Changes

The ultimate aim of the government’s changes is to guarantee that workplace difficulties are reduced and that work is made enjoyable for both employees and their employers. In addition to changes in national administration policies, business owners have also implemented internal adjustments. In an effort to help businesses achieve their goal and vision, the nature of work as well as the organization itself has experienced a number of paradigm adjustments over time. The introduction of training programs and the use of technology in various job processes are two of the most prominent innovations that have been welcomed globally. The role of workers in labor organizations, as well as the part labor institutions, play in the fight for workers rights has also witnessed necessary shifts (Foster, 1998). The bureaucratization of firms over time has achieved, amongst others, the involvement of lower level workforce in decision-making processes, hence giving them a voice in the management of such institutions. The result is that effort and commitment has been on the rise in many employment places globally since morale is boosted by the feeling of being a part of the company. The reforms reinforced with diversity factors have however raised several issues, amongst them the goals, level of involvement of stakeholders and the possibility of reorganizing work to make it more participatory.

Goals of Work Reforms

Reforms in institutions happen at three critical levels. The first is those that are caused by a change in government policies regarding labor, followed by the shifts that the management and ownership of organizations take pegged on the nature of going concern. The other involves the changes emanating from employee demands to the firms’ management either directly through suggestions, or indirectly through their labor unions (Krah, Hughes & Lowe, 2010). Each level often introduces changes depending on the prevailing conditions at the place work. Hence goals often differ. The primary aim of reforms, however, is to make work more participatory satisfying.

Goals of Employers

The goals of work reforms from the perspective of employers often revolve around the need enhance the productivity of workers and to promote the efficacy of organization mission and vision. The first goal is to improve the control powers of management so that managers exercise their leadership roles efficiently. The supervisory role of managers dictates that workers become subject to the administration so that they can be corrected whenever they go astray. It also adds to the loyalty of workforce. The ownership also aims at improving productivity, hence the changes such as the introduction of technology and reward-punishment factors in the firm (Cappelli, 2008). The need to lower cost of production without compromising on efficiency is the other target that employers have in mind when it comes to the question of work reforms. Some of the changes that have been adopted as a result include the introduction of training programs pegged on training need analysis, and also the elimination of some allowances. The other key goal of engaging in reform initiatives is that management and ownership of organizations often strive for freedom from interference in the running of their businesses. This led to the introduction of such policies as the reduced interaction of employees with external players such as the media.

Goals of Workers

On the other hand, then goals of workers in demanding reforms often revolve around enhancing their working conditions, including a raise on the companies’ reward systems. Workers have over the years adopted the use of suggestion boxes, strikes, and boycotts as well as labor organizations in the fight for what they believe is their fair share. Their goals include higher pay and, most importantly, security of work. Many agencies employed people on contractual grounds to enable them to make necessary staffing changes when economic situations become intolerable. This has been met with resistance from workers, who believe that they should wake up each day knowing they have a job and can cater for their essential as well as luxury needs. The other goal for which employees seek changes at work is to gain a level of freedom from exploitative rules and managers that may choose to misuse them. Workers also target specific and clear job descriptions and working hours hence the periodical paradigm shifts in the work structure.

Role of Management, Unions, and State

Organization management plays a crucial role in the construction of contemporary places of employment. A unique position it can take in the quest to make work more satisfying revolves around decision making. The critical areas that the managers should focus on include the construction of pay structures that match the role of employees with their needs and prevailing economic conditions (Betcherman, Newton & Godin, 1990). When the cost of living rises, it is important that owners of firms review the salary scales as a way of motivating their employees. The organization of work should also be changed to match skills of workers to the part they play in the production process. The company can even make the task easier by embracing relevant technology, and care should be taken so as not to threaten the security need of employees, as this is likely to impede the progress of the firm.

The Canadian government also has a role in the reform process. The principal responsibility is to create favorable living conditions for her citizens, as this has an impact on the situation at work. The government is the first employer, as even owners of industries in the country are subject to government powers. Creation of employment opportunities that commit to the course of the reforms would be a yardstick upon which all employers would carry out their duties. The government also has the responsibility of endorsing competent work shift policies that would enhance satisfaction across all quarters in the employment sector. Other than that, the public administration should come up with strategies and laws that ensure fairness and proper work conditions across the entire Canada. This may include the raising of the minimum wage bill, to ensure workers are well rewarded for boosting their livelihood. The government is the critical determinant of the implementation of work reforms. Action should be taken against all people that are a drawback to the development procedures in Canada. Workers determine the role of their respective trade unions in the fight to make working conditions better. The unions are charged with compliance with organization goals, including subordination of their interests to those of the firm. They are also expected to challenge the status quo and ensure managers commit to the course of work reforms. They can do this either directly or by involving their unions in a tripartite system with the government.

It is possible to make work more participatory and satisfactory, provided all the key players commit to their responsibility and become flexible enough to consider the interests of various stakeholders. Just as is the trend globally, Canadian workers are allowed to form trade unions to ensure managers commit to the course of reforms. The government has legal structures to follow in addressing conflicts involving workers and their employers in the country. Managers have a responsibility to commit to the agreements in the reform policies, just as is the case with workers. A labor union is responsible for listening to the grievances of members (Clemmer, 2004). They should also establish forums upon which workers can air their issues without fear of victimization. Collective bargaining, either between workers through trade unions and employers or in the tripartite system should be honored. The legal structures in the country can ensure that, and anyone that goes against the agreements should be charged in a court of law. For this, I believe it is possible to fully implement the reforms that make work more satisfactory and participatory.

Goals of the Workforce

The goals of the workforce are to ensure the attainment of organization objectives, mission, and vision. The situation dictates that workers subordinate their interests to the purposes of the firm. However, goals of the company should accommodate respect for employees and their needs in that the means should not compromise on the conditions of employees at work. As a result, a podium should be created that brings together relevant stakeholders in the betterment of lives of workers without compromising the goals of the firm. The best theoretical framework that would ensure attainment of satisfaction and participation is one that encompasses professional development. It should be built on the foundation of organizational goals, alongside the need for attitudinal, behavioral and intellectual development. The result would be a change process that is acceptable to all and that emphasizes on involvement. The reforms should be logical and implementable without infringing on the rights or interests of the other party while only one derives gains.

Works Cited

Krahn, H., Hughes, K. D., & Lowe, G. S. (2010). Work, industry, and Canadian society. London: Cengage Learning.

Betcherman, G., Newton, K., & Godin, J. (Eds.). (1990). Two steps forward: Human resource management in a high-tech world. Ottawa: Economic Council of Canada.

Cappelli, P. (Ed.). (2008). Employment relationships: New models of white-collar work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clemmer, J. (2004, Mar. 19). Fixing the managers. The Globe and Mail, pp. C1-C2.

Foster, J. B. (1998). Introduction to the new edition. In H. Braverman (Ed.), Labor and monopoly capital: The degradation of work in the twentieth century (pp. ix-xxiv). New York, NY: Monthly Review Press.

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