Code of Ethics for Morinda Corporation

The fundamental guiding principles for organizations

The fundamental guiding principles for organizations are outlined in the codes of ethics. Morinda Corporation must create clear codes of ethics to enhance lawful and ethical practices by staff, managers, vendors, and consumers in order to increase the quality and effectiveness of its operations. Any stakeholder in the company must constantly guarantee that they are abiding by the rules of conduct. The draft codes of ethics for Morinda Corporation that the company will use to reinforce and strengthen its activities are as follows. These ethics laws would have an effect on departments such as banking, warehouse, management, sales, and marketing.

Compliance with the guiding rules and regulations

The commitment of Morinda Corporations to integrity starts by ensuring total compliance to the set laws and company guidelines. Every member of the organization must seek to read and fully understand the set laws so as to make use of them in every stage where each one of them is demanded. The laws should be made available to everyone in the organization so that they can always make reference to it whenever they feel that they may be in contravention with the rules.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest is said to be in existence when an employee obtains personal benefits due to their position in the organization. It may also take place when the business or personal relationship of an employee with other stakeholders works against the interest of the organization. The stakeholders of Morinda Corporation will be called upon to apply their judgment at all times when there are performing their duties in the organization.

Building trust and credibility

The success of Morinda Corporation will largely depend on the level of trust and confidence that will be created among all the stakeholders of the organization. Credibility is attained through strict adherence to the set commitments of the organization and demonstrating a high level of honesty and integrity. Actions speak louder than words hence the level of integrity by the stakeholders will be determined by the actions that they demonstrate. The employees need to consult with the management in every area that they are not fully informed about so as to build a high level of trust. This will help in forming a conducive working environment for the long-term operations of the organization.

Health and safety

Safety and health measures are key towards the sustainability of the operations of any organization. Morinda will have to offer safe and healthy working environment for the employees and the management. Each employee is charged with a personal responsibility of ensuring that safety is maintained in every aspect of the organization. They have to follow the health rules, safety measures and be able to report cases of unsafe conditions and accidents promptly. Threatening conduct and violence must be eliminated at all levels. The working environment must be free from the use of drugs and alcohol.

Record keeping and financial integrity

The financial statements, accounts and records should be maintained in a well outlined manner that truly reflects the position of the company. The records must show conformity to the set international laws and standards as outlined by the international accounting bodies. The financial reports that are released to the members of the public and other stakeholders must be accurate, fair and easy to understand so that the parties concerned may make proper decisions in regards to their relationship with Morinda Corporation.

Insider trading policy

Persons who have material information that is not accessible to the members of the public are prohibited by the federal as well as state laws to trade in the securities of any organization. The employees and the management of Morinda Corporation will not be allowed to take part in the trading of the company's securities since going against that rule will be viewed as unethical.

The rationale for codes of ethics

In regards to upholding the set rules and regulations, the management of Morinda Corporation must take into consideration some specific aspects of its operations. The first aspect is the proprietary information which calls for respect towards the property rights of other corporations. The management should not seek to obtain outlawed means of gaining confidential information of the competitors. The company will not engage in any form of unauthorized application or distribution of materials that infringes on the intellectual property of other organizations. This will prevent the management from being accused of unfair means of competition and the management will not be drawn into court battles that will in turn affect the operations of Morinda.

The second aspect is competition in which the management of Morinda Corporation will ensure that they engage in fair, ethical and vigorous means of competition. The company will have to engage in promoting its products based on improved quality, competitive pricing, merit and functionality. The management need not to collude with the competitors when setting prices that may be unfair to the final users of the products. Formation of cartels hurts the customers and is regarded as unethical hence Morinda will not be part of such arrangements in the course of its operations. This will further guide the relationship of the corporation with its suppliers as it will not be engaged in issuing of improper payments as well as gratuities in regards to acquisition of products and raw materials. The final aspect in regards to compliance with the laws is selective disclosure. The management should never be engaged in any form of selectively disclosing information with respect to Morinda Corporation based on its business conduct. The management must always ensure that they remain vigilant whenever they are making any form of presentation to the stakeholders so as not to leak any form on nonpublic information.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest is a key factor that affects the operations of organizations hence the management of Morinda must be fully informed of its aspects. The management must do away with any form of activity that may impair the decision-making aspect of the organization. Personal or family interests can negatively affect the operations of the company. The management must fully understand that they owe a duty to Morinda in regards to promoting its lawful interests with the aim of making maximum use of any available business opportunity. The properties under Morinda should not be used for any personal gain by the top-level management as that will amount to a breach of the conflict of interest rule.

Building trust and credibility

Building of trust and credibility among all stakeholders by the management is key towards advancing different agendas of the organization. The management must ensure that it has full support and trust of the employees who are charged with specific roles and duties that are geared towards the fulfillment of company's goals and objectives. This will prevent cases of industrial actions such as strikes, go-slows and reduce high rates of employees' turnover. The management can attain this code of conduct by ensuring that they create an environment in which the employees are free to speak their minds in regards to the ethical concerns. It is the role of the management to create an open as well as a supportive environment in which the employees can apply their judgment and make their opinions heard. By demonstrating their power and ability in their various dockets, the organization will be able to prevent any form of wrongdoings that may negatively affect the long-term operations. The management must carry out investigations whenever they feel that unethical practices have been conducted and then carry out appropriate measures aimed at mitigating them. The human resource department must be at the top in regards to addressing all the key issues that directly affect employees.

Health and safety

The management of Morinda must ensure a safe and healthy environment for all its employees so as to minimize cases of accidents and sicknesses. Employees form the major bulwark for any organization hence the company must handle all the safety issues with the employees in a proper manner. Federal and state health and safety organizations are keen on ensuring that every organization abides with the set rules and regulations. Failure to comply with the set rules will put the management of the organization at loggerheads with the safety authorities hence the need to ensure total compliance is of great importance.


Codes of ethics for the helping professions. (2004). Australia: Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning.
Ge̜bołyś, Z. (2012). Library codes of ethics worldwide: Anthology = Verhaltensregeln für Bibliothekare im internationalen Kontext. Berlin: Simon, Verl. für Bibliothekswissen.
Lozano, J. M. (2000). Ethics and Organizations: Understanding Business Ethics as a Learning Process. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Murray, D. J. (1995). Ethics in organizations. London: Kogan Page.

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