Bigfoot, Nothing but an ignorant Narrative

Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction?

Bigfoot is a fictional creature that some people think actually exists. According to common culture, bigfoot is said to be very tall, hairy, male, and have large feet. The beast is infamous for its aggression and solitude. Many people think that the creature may be biologically similar to humans because of its human-like posture. Big foot sightings have been recorded by thousands of people, and they are now more of a trend than a real sighting. Professor of natural sciences and geology at the College of Wooster, Mark Wilson, claims that in the majority of the cases of Bigfoot reports he has investigated, there has never been any genuine natural confirmation, similar to bodies, bones, skin, hairs or DNA, found (WKYC).

The Belief in Bigfoot

Many people believe that Bigfoot actually exists. I call this, ignorance of the worst kind. Most of the people that report these sightings are simply trying to bring attention to themselves or just saw something that walked on two feet and was hairy, and immediately called out “Bigfoot”. While there may be some convincing sightings with evidence, there always never sufficient. Nine out of ten sightings each year, just turns out to be bears lurking in the night, baboons or another kind of primates that isn’t known to man. Since the first sighting almost 70 years ago, there has been no scientific proof that a creature such as this could exist. Darren Naish states in his book states, my essential point here is that DNA that can't be clarified other than by the presence of an obscure unmistakable primate has not been reported, while it would be available everywhere if Bigfoot were genuine, regardless of whether it were an abnormal sub-populace of Homo sapiens(Naish).

The Fabrication of Bigfoot

The whole narrative behind Bigfoot has been as a result of too much fabricated stories that one might actually begin to question whether the creature truly exists. Bigfoot obviously started because someone sighted a creature that he/she could not identify with the knowledge at hand. Digging further into what he/she saw, they found a foot print bigger than an animal they couldn’t identify. Thus, they labelled the creature ‘Bigfoot’. Human beings are prone to label things they don’t understand for the peace of mind. People are so busy figuring things out that if one thing isn’t figured, they force figure on it. The more you spend your time on something, the more you want to explore and break it down. The ‘Bigfoot’ myth has been adapted in popular culture so much that the definition of the creature itself has changed. Thus, the people that are actually influenced by popular culture start to believe in it, that they forget that it was all a matter of ignorance. Today, some people, claim that ‘Bigfoot ‘are actual human beings that isolate themselves from civilization to live in the mountains. Some people are so self centred, that they think Bigfoot is just a weird person who is Socially awkward and likes to keep to himself. This a perfect definition of how we define things for our own convenience.

The Truth about Bigfoot

The solution is simple, just because you cannot identify something, doesn’t make it anything that suits your convenience. University of Oxford scientists declared that the adored bipedal cryptid referred to all inclusive as Bigfoot is dead or, all the more particularly, that he never existed. Scientists at Oxford University considered thirty six examples from everywhere throughout the world from prestigious Bigfoot sightings. Neither specimen tried positive for an obscure animal(Kluger). Bigfoot is a lie told to people to make them feel a certain way about something. While it is good for people to hear these stories for entertainment, it is unsettling to imagine that there are people who believe that they exist. With thousands of genuine scientific research and proof, millions of people globally, still believe that Bigfoot is out there somewhere. Maybe am wrong and Bigfoot is out there in the mountains, sitting on a tree, singing kumbaya, but so far as we know it, its just another illusion we put ourselves in to make us feel some type of way.

Targeted Audience

In the following persuasive essay, the targeted audience is a selected group of people that are naive and ignorant to the world and the knowledge around them. The modern society has brainwashed people into thinking anything and everything is true and exists. Knowledgeable and logical people are out of question in this essay. A logical person would understand facts and know that scientifically, there is no such creature. Ignorance works magic when trying to prove a point. One might even go as far as be bias so that his/her position stands unchallenged.

The Storytelling of Bigfoot

People that came up with these narratives knew what kind of situation it would bring. Bigfoot are most common in the United States. Thus, they knew that if you give people a mystery to solve, it would prove beneficial and uplifting for people. They told these stories to scare a them and give them something to be curious about. The narrative has proved successful with many turning a profit in writing these stories and making films about Bigfoot.

Work Cited

Kluger, Jeffrey. “DNA Study Proves Bigfoot Never Existed.”TIME , 2 July 2014,

Naish, Darren. “If Bigfoot Were Real.” Tetrapod Zoology , 26 June 2016,


Naish, Darren. Hunting monsters: cryptozoology and the reality behind the myths . Arcturus Digital, 2017.

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