Benefits of Piracy


So, apart from sharing of media and promoting access to some products, what is other benefit of piracy?


While internet piracy may hurt record sales, artists and record companies should perceive piracy as a way of reaching out to a wider network which may translate to future customers. Evidently, piracy has become a common phenomenon as most people do it and does not directly harm anyone, unlike ordinary theft (Saindon and Krek, Module 9). Moreover, most Hollywood musicians get high salaries so that piracy has a trivial impact on their income. To some extent, the new and upcoming artists may promote their brand. In this context, piracy unknowingly becomes legal and ethical to those who, for one reason or another cannot afford to buy a genuine films and/or media from a recommended dealer. Yet, they still feel the zeal to may be watch newly released Hollywood hits or earn a living out of these artists’ talents. In this case what would they surely do? Of course look for a cheaper alternative, and perhaps download it online for free. The enormous rewards of committing this victimless crime notwithstanding, sometimes the doer’s conscience on ethics may limit the extent doing it hence the need to just treat piracy as a normal occurrence. Online piracy should not be trivialized because most Hollywood artist earn a lot of cash as their patented works of artistry will get advertised virtually free. Treated as an amalgamation of a lending library, such Hollywood artists are able to expand their marketing base through the word of mouth from these so called ‘illegitimate film sharing.


Sure, and insights seems bright.


Yes, of course. Because you see: By simply getting to watch and tell a neighbor it; these Hollywood artists rake in a lot of money from poor people marketing their movies through the word of mouth. It is a fact which cannot be wished away. Therefore, piracy actually has a significant contribution to help build a healthy audience, and hence somehow becomes promotional in nature. If anything, pirated materials are easy to use and execute as they do not require much technical support or stringent manuals to operate.


Okay, that an interesting way to build your essay.


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