The Legalization of Marijuana: A Controversial Debate
The legalization of marijuana has over the recent times elicited unending controversy as to which is the best option for the community, lawmakers, and nations at large. The debate has been marred by ambiguity and endless debate concerning the ethical, legal, health-related benefits, and its effect as a drug has led to a divided opinion as to whether marijuana should be legalized or not. More so, the debate has been heightened by the fact that, some nations have authorized it on medical grounds, while others still undecided as to whether the benefits outweigh the side effects of the product (marijuana) in question. Over the years, there have been endless controversies surrounding the use of marijuana, and the interminable motives, however, the use of the product seems to come down to a personal decision or that of the debate as to which side wins. This essay provided an argumentative review as to whether weed should be legalized.
Since its first time use of 1945, marijuana has grown to become one of the highly abused drug globally. In most nations, use, as well as possession of marijuana, was for a long time considered illegal. However, today, there has been a developing trend where some countries have decided to legalize the product, while others have remained adamant to legalize it. Regions such as part of Europe, South and North America have adopted the use of small amounts of cannabis in small quantities. Some states have also adopted this trend in the US such as Colorado and Washington as marijuana has been legalized for medical reasons (Johannigman & Eschiti, 2013). However, in other nations where the drug remains illegal, penalties and punishment are imposed on people found guilty of possessing, selling, and growing the illicit drug. Health benefits, economic gains, among other benefits have remained key points from advocating regarding the legalization of marijuana. However, the opposing camp views the drug to possess still adverse behavior effect such as lowering peoples IQ, addiction among others. Besides, increase in organized crime and cartels has been affiliated with trade and use of drugs such as marijuana (An Ours, 2012). While the use of marijuana in the medical field has revolutionized the way it is viewed in the society, government and lawmaking organs, the government should control the legalization process as it remains a drug with high levels of an addict and related problems. However, it remains a puzzle as to whether marijuana should be legalized.
Argument for Legalization of Marijuana
One of the primary ground under which cannabis sought to be legalized, it’s the drug application in medical use. Advance in medical research coupled improved research in the medical field has led to the conclusion and widespread of use of medical marijuana. The advance in the use of medical field means higher and better health aspects among the people. The medical use of marijuana drug has led different countries legalizing it on medical grounds .g. Canada. For example, according to Kreit (2015), Sativex has become a new medication or drug to be discovered. The drug is being used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and has been used in countries such as the United Kingdom for patients suffering from MS. The result is that, it has been found to an effective treatment plan. This, in turn, means that prohibiting the use of marijuana would be a disadvantage to such patients such as MS patients (An Ours, 2012). This is because the Sativex drug used by them uses marijuana as a major component in the medicine. Medical use of marijuana has been the strong point of argument deployed by advocates for legalization of the product. More so, it helps with cancer chemotherapy.
Nevertheless, the question has been raised as to what amount of marijuana is effective to have medicinal value. Since the legalization of medical marijuana, the rate of opioid-related deaths has decreased in the region. This has seen a change in trend where it has been increasing for the past 14 years. This is positive regarding the use of marijuana medical aspects.
In addition to the argument for the legalization, another point has been the fact that, the legalization would mean a diverse and extra source of income for the governments. This, in turn, means an extra source of revenue for the government. For example, when this argument in support of legalizing marijuana is viewed regarding the current economic times, it makes sense. This indicates with the United States current financial crisis, the tax from cannabis would go a magnificent mile in bailing the country’s hurting economy (Caputo & Ostrom, 1994). Most of the businesses related to sales and production of marijuana-related products have been done in the black market, hence the raised revenue ending up in criminals' hands. However, by legalizing its trade, the government would control the products trade. For example, in the state of California, the drug is yielding an estimated 14 billion dollars annually to the state government which is expected to rise further. This is only the case of one state, and the entire nation would benefit tremendously.
Additionally, the government would also save in its expenses. In every year, the United States uses an estimated 68 billion dollars in maintaining the jails (Kreit, 2015). One in every six inmates is in prison due to incarceration and non-violent crime related to marijuana. This would, in turn, mean a reduced number of inmates, and also reduced total expenses for jails in the country.
Supporters of marijuana legalization come in different fields adding to the medical and economic view, the social aspect of the weed is that legalization would result in a reduction in the crime rate. According to Fijnaut (2014), legalization of marijuana would result in a reduction in crime rates in the United States. Instead of having an increasing number of people participating in drug deals, possession and smuggling, legalization would make all the people involved be regarded as legal business people, hence reducing their overall participation in the illegal drug business. Additionally, legalization would reduce the stress among the police unit dedicated to marijuana hunting in the United States. As dealers in drugs are legalized to do the business, the aspect of doing the business in hiding would cease and in turn bring to the light in the business. Whilst the drug remains illegal, the criminal underworld will continue to exist and thrive as well as profit from this drug (Caputo & Ostrom, 1994). More so, young people will continue to be exposed to the criminal aspects related to the sale and use of marijuana, as well as introduced to other illegal drugs. Once the government legalizes the marijuana product, the impact will be felt even in the production. This would mean the quality of the products will be regulated to ensure people have access to the best product.
In summary, taking the case of alcohol prohibition in the United States, the move didn't stop the production and consumption of the product. Instead, due to lack of control, more illegal alcohol was produced which in turn affected people adversely (Fijnaut, 2014). This case is more like the marijuana today. The more it's being regarded as illegal, the more the government has no control over its production and in turn, continued exposure to poor or low-quality marijuana.
Argument against Legalization of Marijuana
Despite the constant debate as to whether marijuana should be legalized, the opposing team has stood firm on the arguments as to why the drug should continue to be illegal. One of the primary arguments against marijuana legalization is that the drug has been more harmful and lethal to the human body than the help or benefits it gives. Unlike the cases of medical assistance it offers, most of the users use it as a drug, through smoking. According to Damrongplasit & Cheng Hsiao (2009), smoking of tobacco and marijuana has been related to a host of respiratory problems not to mention cancer. As far as the smoking results into adverse effect on the users’ health over time, the drug should, in turn, be regarded as illegal whatsoever. In relation to the adverse effect on human health, marijuana has been directly related to the negative impact on the user’s mental health. For example, a research conducted in Estoup et al (2016), it was deduced that weed smokers/users have abnormal brain structure and also cases of poor memory, and also chronic brain use may result in brain functionality changes more like that od schizophrenic patient. American Medical Association, in its research, said that “Heavy cannabis use in adolescence causes persistent impairments in neurocognitive performance and IQ, and use is associated with increased rates of anxiety, mood, and psychotic thought disorders (Caputo & Ostrom, 1994).” Which, in turn, is an indication that, the use of marijuana has its related adverse effects? In addition to the adverse impact on mental health, marijuana use is terrible for one’s physical health. The use of marijuana has been known to continue to temporary sterility and also congenital disabilities on babies born from marijuana users as well as cases of mental abnormalities with the newborns.
The addiction rate of marijuana is very high. It may take longer for the drug users to be addicted, however, along the time they smoke it, a time comes when they have to smoke more to remain high. According to Estoup et al (2016), compared to cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana, the latter’s addiction is the hardest to give up. Addiction has been related to degraded lives of the users such as increased crimes to sustain their marijuana levels and demands, broken homes, financial difficulties as people use more of their finances to sustain the addiction, social degradation among other related vices. Legalization of marijuana would lead to exposure to the harmful drug to young people at a very tender age (Estoup et al, 2016). This would, in turn, result in an irresponsible generation that will be more dependent on drugs. This would mean more social problems related to the abuse of marijuana, such as the development of slums, increased rate of crimes as well as more finances needed to take care of the increasing number of addicts. Despite savings in the court and prison system, there would be an increased demand for more funds in the healthcare sector as a higher number of addicts will be demanding medical care. Saving on one side while more expenses are incurred makes it more of null work, and in turn, the drug ought to remain illegal.
In recent years, different countries and states have adopted the law to legalize the use of marijuana, more so, the medical marijuana. Holland is regarded as the pioneer nation towards legalization of marijuana usage. Drawing from the ways things have been in Holland, it has not been an excellent example for other countries advocating for the same move. The case of Amsterdam hasn’t worked well with reference to marijuana legalization. The city has today recorded cases of students smoking at school and attending classes high. This has led to the mayor burning the smoking of weed in schools after the trend has become devastating. Despite being widely available, it has had an adverse effect on children as they are highly exposed to illegal drugs. Additionally, the arguments on the reduction of crime with the legalization of the drug have been proved otherwise in Amsterdam as more criminal activities have been recorded around coffeehouses where the product is being sold. Finally, according to Pudney (2010), the use of marijuana as one of the illegal drugs results in increased chances of the user abusing other hard drugs. For every one hundred youth who indulge in bhang smoking, an estimated 32% abuses other drugs apart from marijuana. This, in turn, increases cases of drug abuse among the youth, which is an unwanted trend.
It is evident that there exist different views regarding the legalization of marijuana. Both for and against arguments are based on various aspects regarding the use of the drug and how it affects the people. The divided opinion over the legalization of marijuana can be attributed to personal views as to what should the drug be used for. While the use of marijuana in the medical field has revolutionized the way it is viewed in society, government, and lawmaking organs, the government should control the legalization process as it remains a drug with high levels of addiction and related problems. However, it remains a puzzle as to whether marijuana should be legalized? The devastating impact of marijuana use is well known among the community. The negative effect on mental and physical health, increased crime, increased cases of addiction, and social degradation among others.
Nevertheless, the legalization has proven a gain in terms of medical marijuana which remains the weighty argument in support of legalization advocacy. Drawing from the discussion above facts from both sides of the argument, the medical or recreational use of marijuana should be controlled. However, the drug should remain illegal as the adverse effects outweigh the gains from the legalization of the drug. Alternatively, the medical application can also be adopted in an effort to reduce the amount of illegal drug in the name of marijuana gets exposed to young people in society. It should, in turn, be time to think of this new development because as it remains, it is easy to legalize the drug, but down the road, become a hard thing to control the use of it among the people.
An Ours, J. C. (2012). The Long and Winding Road to Cannabis Legalization. Addiction, 107(5), 872–873.
Caputo, M. R., " Ostrom, B. J. (1994). Potential Tax Revenue from a Regulated Marijuana Market. "#160; A Meaningful Revenue Resource. American Journal of Economics " Sociology, 53(4), 475–490.
Damrongplasit, K., " Cheng Hsiao. (2009). Decriminalization Policy and Marijuana Smoking Prevalence: A Look at the Literature. Singapore Economic Review, 54(4), 621–644.
Estoup, A. C., Moise-Campbell, C., Varma, M., " Stewart, D. G. (2016). The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on Adolescent Use, Consequences, and Perceived Risk. Substance Use " Misuse, 51(14), 1881–1887.
Fijnaut, C. (2014). Legalisation of Cannabis in Some American States. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law " Criminal Justice, 22(3), 207–217.
Johannigman, S., " Eschiti, V. (2013). Medical Use of Marijuana in Palliative Care. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(4), 360–362.
Kreit, A. (2015). What Will Federal Marijuana Reform Look Like? Case Western Reserve Law Review, 65(3), 689–718.
Pudney, S. (2010). Drugs policy: what should we do about cannabis? Economic Policy, 25(61), 165–211.