Additive Effects of Anxiety and Depression on Body Mass Index Among Blacks: The Role of Ethnicity and Gender

Assari, Shervin. "Additive effects of anxiety and depression on body mass index among blacks: the role of ethnicity and gender." International cardiovascular research journal 8.2 (2014): 44.

Summary of the Article

Research indicates that anxiety can trigger stress responses in a human being. Stress responses happen as a result of the pressures and demands that we experience every day (Assari 45). For example, rush hour traffic, long lines at the grocery shop as well as the chronic maladies. When anxiety coupled with worries tend to become excessive, there is a higher probability that stress responses will be triggered in the body (Assari 48). Additionally, anxiety can make a person physically ill because it leads to the production of fight and flight hormone which in turn causes the sympathetic nervous system to produce stress hormones like cortisol (Assari 56). Even though the hormones elevate glucose level in the body, they also cause physical reactions such as headaches, difficulty in swallowing, dizziness, dry mouth, and shortness of breath among other which makes a person physically ill.

Critical Evaluation

The author of this article has incredibly aligned the thesis statement with the ideas presented in the body regarding the effects of the impact of anxiety both mentally and physically. The author has elucidated clearly how anxiety leads to the production of hormones that can induce stress in the body and eventually makes a person physically ill. As such, this article is critical for research work. Additionally, the author has a good reputation and there is no evidence that he was paid to conduct this study. Finally, he has recognized the work of other authors via proper references and citations.

Tully, Phillip J., Suzie M. Cosh, and Bernhard T. Baune. "A review of the effects of worry and generalized anxiety disorder upon cardiovascular health and coronary heart disease." Psychology, health " medicine 18.6 (2013): 627-644.

Summary of the Article

The findings of the research which was conducted to determine the implications of anxiety on the cardiovascular heart as well as coronary heart indicated that anxiety leads to decreased heart rate and elevated heart rate (Tully et al 628). Additionally, Tully and other researchers noted that anxiety is one of the contributing factors to hypertension and high blood pressure in established Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and disease-free populations (Tully et al 636). There was no evidence found during the study to show that anxiety is beneficial to health-promoting behaviors. Further, the report showed that anxiety can lead to depression on persons with and without coronary heart diseases.

Critical Evaluation

The article was selected because it is informative and provides crucial information on the subject of interest. It is also very current as it was published in 2013 hence contains up to date information. The article is also peer-reviewed and the information that is presented is well backed up by valid facts. It can, therefore, be used in higher institutions of learning as well as carrying out research. The publishers of the article – Taylor and Francis – have a good reputation and are peer-reviewed. Finally, the article elaborates how anxiety causes affect an individual physically and mentally which is the most compelling part of the research.

Harvard Medical School. "Anxiety and physical illness". Harvard Health Publishing, 2018,

Summary of the Website

Anxiety has been described as a reaction to stress which has physical as well as psychological features. The feeling of anxiety arises in a region of the brain called amygdala – which regulates various strong emotional responses (Harvard Medical School, n.p.). when the neurotransmitters relay impulses to the sympathetic nervous system, the muscles tend to tense, the heartbeat and breathing rate escalate and also the blood flow is redirected to the brain from the abdominal organs (Harvard Medical School, n.p.). Anxiety develops putting the body on alert to confirm a crisis. However, the physical ramifications sometimes become counterproductive leading to nausea, frequent urination, diarrhea and headedness (Harvard Medical School, n.p.). In case the anxiety persists – it takes toll on the physical as well as the mental health of a person.

Critical Evaluation

The website provides an invaluable information anxiety and how it affects a person mentally and physically. It addresses anxiety from an anatomy point of view, as an illness and the disorders associated with anxiety such as social phobia, post-traumatic stress, and phobias among others. The website is peer-reviewed and Harvard University among the best Universities across the globe and presents current information. The website has provided factual information which can be substantiated from other articles with statistical data from a government website. Therefore, it provides precise and reliable information which any researcher would like to include in his or her research regarding anxiety.

Kiernan, Jean., Etherton, Rhonda., Kiernan James and Zavos, Panayiotis. "Women with anxiety and depression: out of the darkness and into the light" MOJ Women’s Health, 2017;4(6):167–170.

That authors explain that anxiety that persists for a long period of time makes a person worry too much concerning the upcoming situations (Kiernan et al 168). This can cause avoidance and make an individual to have difficulty in handling daily situations. Further, the constant presence of the stress hormones – due to anxiety - within the body might alter the structure and the operations of some features of the nervous system (Kiernan et al 170). This can reduce the proper functioning of the hippocampus as well as the frontal lobes which affect the mental health of a person. As such, the victim may have problems concerning decision-making, learning new information, concentrating and can also be confused.

Critical Evaluation

Even though the article presents a research conducted in a population of females, it provides incredible information about anxiety and depression. It clearly explains how anxiety leads to depression. Additionally, it explains unique ideas which the other articles have not addressed the implications of anxiety. For instance, it elaborates step by step how the stress hormones affect hippocampus and frontal lobes which are an important part for cognitive functions. Additionally, the article is current, utilizes statistical data from the World Health Organization and was written and published by qualified professionals. This article forms a fundamental part of the research on anxiety and its effect on human beings.

Parashar, Bharat, et al. "Anxiety: A common problem with human beings." The Pharma Innovation 1.5, Part A (2012): 10.

Summary of the Article

The authors have classified the effects of anxiety into physical, behavioral, emotional and cognitive effects. The implications of anxiety on physical health include muscle weakness as well as tension, heart palpitations, chest pain, headaches and nausea (Parashar et al 10). Additionally, as the body prepares to cope with the threat, the rapid increase in blood flow and the rate of heartbeat inhibits the digestive and immune systems. Regarding the emotional effects – anxiety leads to ‘feelings of apprehensions,’ restlessness, trouble concentrating and feeling like one mind has gone blank (Parashar et al 11). The impacts of anxiety on cognitive functions encompass thoughts about a suspected danger, for example, the fear of death which is accompanied by chest pain. Finally, some of the examples of the behavioral effects include withdrawal from various status quo where some negative impacts of anxiety have been experienced before (Parashar et al 13). It can also increase motor tension like foot tapping and also cause changes in the sleeping patterns.

Critical Evaluation

The article provides important teachings on the effects of anxiety on human beings. The authors are professors who have vast knowledge in the field of medicine and also the information they have provided matches the one provided in the other articles. This means that a learner or any other scholar can depend on the information presented in this research. The journal is peer-reviewed and was published in 2012 hence it is very current. The authors also used many sources to support his research and have properly referenced his work.

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