Workplace Reasonable Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act has made significant progress in ensuring that people with a variety of disabilities, such as veterans, expectant moms, the blind, and even older workers, are accommodated. This bill's goal is to prevent these people from suffering unnecessary hardship while working (Oppix Productions Inc, 2008).

Veterans with Disabilities

Due to their involvement in the patriotic labor of military service, veterans with disabilities have increased as a result of conflicts and national security obligations over time. Nearly 29% of veterans are said to currently have disabilities that were acquired during service. Due to these impairments, the specific physical challenges likely to be faced during work include spinal cord injury, amputations, burns and hearing loss among other traumatic injuries. On the other hand, mental issues include post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries and other mental impairments (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

Reasonable Accommodations Disabled Veterans Can Legally Request

Accommodations are applicable during job application process as well as during the employment period. Some of the significant protections include the provision of written materials in a manner that is accessible and readable such as Braille or computer disk. Sufficient time for the completion of tests and also for those with learning disabilities and concentration disorders are also provided more time to undertake their duties. Interviews, tests, and training must be conducted in readily accessible locations for all the individuals with disabilities. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission also recommends accommodation by employing modified equipment and devices including assistive technologies such as computers for the blind, telephones for the deaf, glare guards for the visually impaired and also one-handed keyboard for those with missing limbs. The workplace may even need to undergo various modifications including reconfiguration and adjustment of height and improve accessibility. In cases where it is deemed necessary, such employees can be granted the opportunity to work from home, leave for treatment, recuperation, and education. Flexible work schedules, changing supervisory methods including communication and reassignment to duties that are easily performed is fundamental.

Other Groups Protected by the ADA

The ADA also offers protection for different groups. Notably, the Age discrimination in employment protects all workers above 40 years old from age-based employment discrimination. Similarly, the pregnancy discrimination act prevents discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, and related events. Furthermore, the Americans disabilities act bars employers from discriminating among job seekers with disabilities (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission).

Types of Accommodations for Each Group

The Aging Workforce

This category requires consideration regarding advertisements and job notices, protection from discrimination when it comes to apprenticeship programs and also the prohibition of employers from demanding for employee date of birth with intent to discriminate. Employers are also hindered from denying benefits to older staff, and lastly, the act allows for waiver claims in particular conditions (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

Blind and Deaf Workers

In this group, the act ensures that the affected people are accommodated regarding providing modified equipment such as assistive technologies, for example, computer use for the blind, telephones for the deaf, glare guards for the visually impaired and one-handed keyboards for those with missing limbs among others. Furthermore, written materials must be in an accessible format for easy use (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission).

New Mothers

The law also protects mothers and offers accommodation concerning hiring and provision of appropriate working conditions. Pregnancy-based discrimination such as remuneration, promotion, training, layoffs and other employment conditions must not be unfavorable due to the pregnancy. The act also requires employers grant pregnancy and maternity leave as well as the provision of alternative tasks that are not burdensome. The health insurance offered by the employer even covers maternity expenses. Lastly, employers are expected to provide benefits to the pregnant workers coupled with equal treatment for those with temporary pregnancy-related disabilities (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).


Oppix Productions Inc. (2008, September 3). America’s Heroes At Work. Retrieved from YouTube:

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. (n.d.). Facts About the Americans with Disabilities Act. Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission:

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Facts About Age Discrimination. Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Pregnancy Discrimination. Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Understanding Your Employment Rights Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): A Guide for Veterans. Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

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