What I Will do with my Degree in English

I used to study business leaders' articles and watch their television shows when I was younger. I also enjoyed watching television programs like Star Trek, and I was impressed by the characters' ability to express their thoughts clearly when negotiating deals. When I told my father about my experiences, he said that one of the greatest routes to financial independence was through business. I decided to focus on developing into a great company leader. I discovered during my primary school years that communication is essential in all professions. I learned as I advanced in my education that every field has its own jargon. Lawyers speak using special terms that the larger society may not be familiar with, structural engineers, quantity surveyors and architects refer to various concepts within the construction industry using certain terms that may not be commonly used in the rest of the society. The common jargon arises from the training that individuals have obtained. The business field is different since one meets different individuals from varying cultural and educational backgrounds.

Business is a special field. There is no standard training before an individual can become a businessperson. There are no accreditation bodies that asses and accredit individuals wishing to become businesspeople. This means that a person who gets into the field should be prepared to meet individuals with different cultural, religious and educational backgrounds. A look at some of the leading world business leaders such as Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Anne Mulcahy, Larry Page and Jack Ma will reveal that there is no common academic course taken by all of them. This means that in the course of business activities an individual will meet other business leaders that do not necessarily have the same professional or educational background as themselves.

Communicating with individuals from varying backgrounds requires a good mastery various aspects of language and communication skills. According to Nunan (590) English is the global language of business. This means that a good mastery of the English language will help an individual communicate effectively on a global scale.

By demonstrating that I have a good understanding of the English language and communication skills, I believe that I will move up in the business world. Good articulation of my ideas to potential business partners, employers and employees will help me convince them into seeing things from my perspective. It will also help me be a good listener and understand their opinions and feelings.

The course leading to the degree is wide and does not only include the basic aspects of the English language. In the course of studies to obtain this degree, I will have had an opportunity to extensively study literature. Literature has an inner artistic relevance. It has helped understand various phenomena in the environment. I am now more ready to critically analyse and accept the views and opinions of other people. In global business, leaders come across different scenarios that they have to fit in. In the course of studying literature, I have learnt that individuals from varying backgrounds may perceive similar issues differently. This understanding makes me more tolerable and inclusive when it comes to business practices tied to culture.

Studying for the degree in English has helped me understand what to expect when meeting various people. An individual who is not conversant with what lays ahead is less likely to remain resilient when challenges emerge. As I venture into the world of business, I understand that I will meet individuals with challenges communicating in English because only a small percentage of the world population speaks English as their first language. There is no common universal language. Therefore, there are times when I will have to use an interpreter. In the course of interpreting, some meanings are lost or distorted. My understanding of English literature will help me determine when this happens and seek clarifications from the original source or the interpreter. Other challenges may also emerge when speaking to individuals who do not speak as a first language. A good mastery of the English language will help me in elaborating using alternative terms and phrases that are familiar to them.

My degree in English will help me earn the trust of colleagues, employees, partners and employers that I can effectively handle various tasks that require effective communication. This trust will be instrumental in aiding me move up the managerial ladder. I intent to further my studies and take up business-related courses. The knowledge gained at this level will help me in interacting with both students and tutors from different parts of the world. At this level, I expect that my communication skills will make learning easier for me. I will also be able to help my colleagues both in education institutions and at the workplace using the knowledge gained. More individuals are willing to learn the English language to facilitate their communication at the global scale. Possessing a degree in English language will help me motivate such individuals towards doing the same in order to enhance their proficiency in the English language.

Works Cited

Nunan, David. "The impact of English as a global language on educational policies and practices in the Asia‐Pacific Region." TESOL quarterly 37.4 (2003): 589-613.

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