Use of Mobile Phones in Schools

In the modern dynamic society, there is a need to reevaluate the stand taken on firm stands on matters such as the use of mobile phones in schools. For a long time, mobile phones have been considered as having a negative effect on the student’s performance. However, a profound analysis reveals that the cellular devices are of extreme importance because of the accruing academic benefits that outdo the negative aspects. Students should be allowed to use mobile phones and taught how to utilize them for not only in class but also in making necessary communications especially when one is in danger (Mehdipour " Zerehkafi, 2013). Policymakers in the field of education should, therefore, legalize the use of cellular devices to embrace the changing nature of the dynamic society.

    Allowing the use of mobile phones help students to be prepared for the real world in the job environment. Learners who are aware of the mobile phone usage have an easy time adapting in the working environment because they are aware and conversant with techniques to read email, reading news and conducting online researches on problematic matters. Besides, students are exposed to the use of software, checking inventory and calling clients, skills that cannot be easily acquired within the first few days at work. It is therefore important to ensure that there is a controlled use of mobile phones in schools instead of a ban in order to equip students with necessary skills to contribute positively to organizations’ success in the future. It would be wrong for public personnel managers to start teaching to start teaching recruits on how to use mobile phones on some basic aspects such as sending emails and using applications in the dissemination of information.

    Allowing the use of mobile devices in schools is also essential in promoting the value of self-control and responsible behaviors. Without regulations, students will either be using the devices for playing games, texting and listening to music. However, legalization will entail nurturing the responsible behaviors as students learn when to use and not to use the devices. In class, smartphones and iPads can be used to research on technical and difficult topics when more explanation is availed through websites such as YouTube through tutorials. Cellular phones should, however, be discouraged when during examinations because they facilitate cheating. Mobile phones should, therefore, be placed in front of the class during an examination if not switched off or in ‘Flight Mode.’ The environment prepares students for the real world where the use of mobile phones is also banned in some locations hence instilling a sense of discipline.

     With the rise of extremist groups in the world, students have been in problems, especially during emergencies. There are also instances where there are extreme threats or shooting either within the school environment or the way home from school. Mobile phones, in this case, become an important tool to relay crucial information through connecting students with teachers and parent. It, therefore, becomes easy to follow up on an emergency issue in terms of where it happened, the perpetrators, the reasons for a possible kidnapping among other important information. Besides, students can call their parents to deliver important pieces of equipment that might have been forgotten at home like a calculator needed for mathematics exam.

    Administrators in the school environment act as role models or mentors to students. To avoid double standards, students should be allowed to use the device for constructive activities just like the counselors, teachers, and coaches. Watching some members of the staff take notes using their cell phones makes students believe that the technique is more convenient especially when there is a need to back up the information (Markett et al., 2006). Besides taking notes, mobile phones are efficient tools to be used as learning aids for visual representations. Learners suffering from dyslexia can use mobile phone applications to grasp complex concepts in technical fields like anatomy and engineering. Using cellular devices also triggers creativity and innovativeness in students who would wish to concentrate on the field of Information and Communications Technology.

    Conclusively, the use of mobile phones in school is more beneficial especially when there are effective regulations. Learning, therefore, becomes enjoyable as students seek more explanations on complex concepts. They also get prepared for the working environment where phone use and communication determines the success of an organization. Schooling is further made fun making students happy, an aspect that promotes a sense of belonging hence the overall academic success. Teachers should offer assistance for students who do not know how to use the Notes application, using the calculator to perform trigonometric functions and setting up reminders for assignments deadline. It is therefore important for the government and other policymakers who have been opposing the use of mobile phones in school to reconsider their stand by taking an objective and multifaceted approach on the controversial matter. The many benefits of the use of mobile phones are enough to lift the ban as teachers take an active role in regulating the use for positive contributions to the academic success.


Markett, C., Sánchez, I. A., Weber, S., " Tangney, B. (2006). Using short message service to        encourage interactivity in the classroom. Computers " Education, 46(3), 280-293.

Mehdipour, Y., " Zerehkafi, H. (2013). Mobile learning for education: Benefits and            challenges. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 3(6), 93-101.

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