understanding of Gods Calling

This essay offers a thorough understanding of God's Calling, its importance in the Christian path, and how brothers should use their various knowledge and skills to serve others while maintaining a strong sense of Christian principles. The vocation to follow Christ includes a calling for the workplace. This makes it crucial that we begin our examination of vocation with the invitation to follow Jesus.

It serves as a reminder that the call to belong to Christ and take part in his plan to redeem the world comes first, not the call to a specific type of job.Our job, in particular, must be a crucial component of our participation in Christ. Theological Term and Definition

This prominent biblical term is used with particular theological significance in three ways: in connection with worship, with election and with vocation. Worship. To "call on" God or the Lord is a frequent biblical expression: It occurs fifty six times in total (Old Testament, 45; New Testament ,11);on four occasion if applied to other gods. It often appears in the fuller form "call on the name of (31 times) The highest concentration is in the psalms (16 times)

In the Bible the word "call" is used most often to refer to God's initiative to bring people to Christ and to participate in his redemptive work in the world. This sense of calling is especially prominent in the letters of Paul.

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation :everything old has passed away;see ,everything has become new! All this is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the word. So we ambassadors of Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God

Biblical Foundation for theological term and Definition.

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace;

Jeremiah 29.11

For Consider your calling, brothers : not many of you were wise according to the world standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the curse; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;

Ephesians 4:1.

This verses show that God is the same God yesterday, today and forever. The God of Moses is very much alive and He wants to use you to change the world.

Practical Application of theological term.

The fact that I study financial matters in order to offer assistance in bussiness all point in the direction of a calling to serve. As a pastor the Lord has called me and I am answerable to only Him, He has all forms of knowledge out there for anyone that is diligent enough to ask, seek or knock.

This revelation changed my life for good. Right from there, I called the leadership committee of our church and I declared to them that we are going to cut a lot of our church expenses with a significant part of our income going to savings and eventually into investment. That was another mountain to climb, because my board said 'we are a church and we don't need investment we only spend and don't multiply'

I was able to convince the church to start by putting a side a small percentage of all that came in for savings and investment. We gradually moved to a higher percentage of all that came in for savings and investment. As a result I was able to increase our church's income tremendously in one year ,that's in surplus. I dared challenge myself to make my first million US dollars in the next three years.

With my experience from helping the church make money, I was surprised when after six months I was able to make my first million US dollars instead of 3years. Next in my target, I decided to prove the efficacy of these principal by helping church members who are entrepenures .By the grace of God I was able to raise their business income percentage by more than fifty percent.

His work of redemption can occur in every workplace through justice, healing, reconciliation, compassion kindness, humility and patience (Colossians 3:12) Christ's redemptive work is not limited to evangelism, but encompasses everything necessary to make the world what God always intended it to be. This redemptive work occurs in harmony with the work of creation, production and sustainability that God delegated to humanity in the beginning.


In conclusion, what I'm trying to tell you -why I am taking my time to go into all these details? I simply want to help you to understand that if we could open the eyes of our fellow brethren to follow their calling we would be fulfilling God's will. He who leads people to particular jobs, occupation and types of work. I am convinced that the calling to follow Christ lies at the foot of everyone because it is work to God.

Is God calling me to a particular job, profession? This is a significant question because the work we do is important because it is work to God (Tow Project) .If work is important, it makes sense to ask what work God wants us to do and it is important to discern Gods calling on guidance in the area of work.



Etzel & Small ,Everyday Series :Theology (2016)

Etzel & Gutierrez, Theology Applied A Living Faith (2014)

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