I'm always drawn to turquoise. I have been fixating on anything with any turquoise hue for a very long time. In my senior year of high school, I came to appreciate turquoise after seeing a photo of the sea encircling the Pacific Ocean's white sand beaches. I took a screenshot of the image, and it is still my laptop's screen saver as of right now.

Finding solace in a photograph. My head hurt since I had such a difficult experience with bullies in my class on this specific day. To get over the day's storm, I searched for quotes on the internet in relation to getting over hard times but this photograph struck me most. It was a very beautiful light shade of aquatic blue, turquoise color (Eckstut 7-29). The photograph makes me understand that after every storm/challenge in life, there comes calm/happiness. Due to the beauty and appeal of this photograph which seems to have been taken during a summer afternoon, I get to face every day with hope and determination.

A least saturated shade of turquoise I would classify my preferred shade of turquoise as least saturated because of the bright sunlight of the summer. The tertiary color reflects a combination of the green color of nature and the blue color of the sky. The saturation of color blue is greater than green (Davis 88-90). The water that combines these beautiful colors symbolizes life, and the size of the sea symbolizes the infinite troubles and solutions one gets to face as long as they live. The color reflects happiness, peace, and beauty of life (Eckstut 7-29). Looking at it makes life worthy of living irrespective of the challenges. I prefer calling this color Hope Turquoise.

Works Cited

Davis, Jeff. Foundations of Color. Tempe Digital LLC. 2015. Print.

Eckstut, Joann and Eckstut, Arielle. Secret Language of Color: science, nature, history, culture, beauty of red, orange, yellow, green, blue & violet. New York: Black Dog and Laventhal Publishers, Inc. 2013. Print.

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