The Trump Brand Wins a Battle in China

The legal dispute between Donald Trump and the manufacturer of Trump toilets, Shenzhen Trump, is discussed in the article The Trump Brand Wins a Battle in China, which was published in The Economists on February 16th, 2017. This story claims that China gave the restrooms the name Trump, which is Chinese for Chuang Pu (The Economist 1, n.p.). The company's CEO, Alan Garten, defended himself, claiming that the moniker means "innovation," and that he had no intention of using Trump's name improperly. In 2006, Trump filed an application to obtain ownership for the use of ‘Trump’ as a trademark in the construction industry, which then gave him rights to own property under that name. The name, however, seems to coincide with Donald’s trump nickname, however, leads to the court suit, perhaps due to the selfish desire for Donald to own property listed under his brand name. Donald’s toilets are considered executive in china with the main customers being institutions, high-end hotels and spas. Evidently, the toilets fetch high returns for the company, thus, prompting them to enter into a legal tussle with Donald trump to protect their income.

Evaluation: Indeed using Trump’s name in the toilets would be considered illegal as Donald considers his name a brand. Donald Trump, therefore, has a legal right to demand a share in the firm’s returns. It also looked like a planned coincidence that the name matches with Donald’s Trump’s credentials making them liable for any damage resulting from the use of the name. Evidently, customers are likely to demand the toilets on the mere fact that there is Donald’s Trump’s name in it since he is a celebrity. The Chinese court, however, made it clear that in the construction business, Trump belongs to the Trump Corporation, and hence any company that uses the name illegally should pay for it.

Article 2

Title: Enter the Chorus with Cabbages

Date: Feb 18th, 2017

Description: The article reflects on the woes that Greece has been going through due to its inability to manage its large debts. Greece continues to be bailed out of their economical problems by other European countries, so it became a priority of the government to turn the things in country’s favor. The state constantly has bailout review, which also reflects on the economic condition of the state and the fact that people have not being empowered well to take care of the debts they acquire from the credit facilities. The article highlights August 2015 bailout that was supposed to enable Greece to repay its bonds debts of about $6.7billion that were due in July 2015 (The Economist 2, n.p.). The government officials, however, seem to be making careless remarks and make little actions to address the issue and prevent it from happening again.

Evaluation: Greece needs to improve its economic policy to avoid being a slave of the conditions imposed during the bailouts. Notably, the country is liable to the European creditors, and it is limited to making decisions regarding the economic progress. It is rather unfortunate that the citizens do not understand the value of electing good leaders, and they seem unbothered by those already in power. Greece indeed cannot sustain the 3.5 GDP demanded of it, as a bailout condition further reveals the slavery the country has subjected herself to. The financiers, however, have every right to ensure that Greece does not default on their loans due to its poor governance. If the country does no act fast, it will suffer economically, which will make it hard to participate in the European market.

Article 3

Title: Half-brotherly Love

Date: February 18th, 2017

Description: Half-brotherly Love article highlights the death of Kim Jong Nam who was killed as he awaited a flight at the airport. The man was attacked by two women, and he died on his way to the hospital. Although the autopsy conducted on the gentleman had not being released, rumors illustrated that Kim would have been poisoned during the attack. The article reveals that Kim was Kim Jong I1’s favorite son, something that was revealed as he was growing up. Perhaps that would have spiked some jealousy with his brother Kim Jong UN who belonged to the second wife. In fact, his father wanted him to be a successor after his term was over. The author highlights that Kim Jong Nam did not appear during his father’s funeral since he was in exile in China.

Evaluation: The article simply highlights the upbringing and the circumstances leading to the death of Kim. However, it fails to give hard evidence of the person who killed him. It is, however, evident that Jon UN was involved in the murder of his half-brother, which perhaps would have resulted from the great favor that their father was showing him and his attempts to severally snitch on him to the authorities (The Economist 3, n.p.). Notably, in his reign, the members of his kin have been exiled with him also executing some officials which raise questions about his leadership. Jong Nam was expected to act like a brother but instead went ahead to conspire against his own blood brother revealing the disloyalty in Kim’s family. Jong Nam has also severally criticized his half-brother even indicating that his leadership would not last thus brewing animosity between the two. Nam’s death indeed reveals the harsh regime in North Korea, which would also explain the difficult relationship with China.

Works Cited

The Economist 1. “Greece's Creditors Are Now the Main Impediment to Solving the Country's Woes.” The Economist, Accessed 16 Mar. 2017.

The Economist 2. “The Trump Brand Wins a Battle in China.” The Economist, Accessed 16 Mar. 2017.

The Economist 3. “Why Kim Jong Un's Brother Was Murdered.” The Economist, Accessed 16 Mar. 2017.

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