The Similarities Between Friends and Big Bang Theory

Friends and The Big Bang Theory are TV shows, which were the case at different times. The two have been considered as bog sitcoms on TV. Both shows share many similarities, for instance, concerning building careers and relationships. The Big Bang Theory, which is the most recent show, seems to have taken a lot of ideas from Friends. The television shows, Friends and The Big Bang Theory have many similarities such as the geeky guy falling for a beautiful girl, a wonderful cat song, and the hardly seen big character.

            Almost every character from The Big Bang Theory is much like a character on Friends; The Relationship between Ross and Rachel from Friends is eerily the same with the relationship between Penny and Leonard. The guys, Ross and Leonard, are geeks working in the field of science while the girls were waitresses. Penny and Rachel moved from their home and started living independently and working. The two shows revolve around two nerdy guys whom for an extended period have harbored on the beautiful, famous light-colored girl and finally capture the hearts of the pretty girls. Ross and Rachel marry while drunk in Vegas, while Penny and Leonard also decided getting married in Vegas. The two couples experienced confusion regarding who like who; get in bitter breakups, which affects their friends, but at the end make it back together. Indeed, Penny and Leonard mirror Ross and Rachel for many of their practices in the shows

The beautiful song about a cat was sung in the two shows. A song was sung about Sheldon’s Soft Kitty in The Big Bang Theory and Phoebe’s Smelly Cat in Friends. The smelly cat is the jewel of Phoebes back a directory and in a record comprising of Grandma or the song concerning the death of a grandmother, Jingle Bitch and Sticky Shoes that is inspiring. The Smelly Cat is a prominent element in Friends. On the other hand, the Soft Kitty song in The Big Bang Theory is noticeably dissimilar regarding content, but it is also about a cat which resembles the Smelly Cat. The Soft Kitty song was sung every time Sheldon felt ill, therefore being similarly catchy with the Smelly Cat. Thus regarding the cat-based songs, Friends outplayed The Big Bang Theory.

The Unseen fat character is typical in the two shows. In Friends, the Ugly Naked Guy was commonly talked about. However, the guy appears only once and is just seen from the back. His appearance was classic, and she looked brilliant in the video, as he was captured early in the seasons and appeared as someone who has never been seen by other characters. The other characters thought he was dead, therefore not interacting with him. Also, in The Big Bang Theory, the characters keep on referring to Howard's mother who usually makes a verbal appearance. She is described as a character with a moustache weight. Nonetheless, she is similarly seen twice in the show, one time from behind the same with Ugly Naked Guy and another time from her height. The two shows poke fun based on obese in similar ways and joke about having not seen such people.


            The television shows, Friends and The Big Bang Theory have many similarities such as the geeky guy falling for a beautiful girl, a wonderful cat song, and the hardly seen big character. Friends and The Big Bang Theory shame many things. Indeed, the two shows seem to be a repetition of the other based on their similarities.

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