The Role of the United Nations in Yemen Conflict

The problem in Yemen can be attributed to the historical colonization of the country and the perception of the various Muslim communities in the country towards the Western influence. Here, it is important to note that the formation of the People’s Republic of Yemen resulted from the need to curb British influence in the nation. The current crisis in Yemen is attributed to the disharmony between a section of the Yemen population and the Western powers including the United States and the United Kingdom. The inception of the conflict in the year 2004 as Ali Abdullah Saleh’s government was accused by Husayn Badr al-Din al-Houthi of striving to appease the United States and Israeli ambitions leading to the clash between the government troops and the rebel fighters. The United States is deemed to be the pivot of the conflict between Houthi rebels and the Yemen government to date.

            The history of the United States in the Yemen situation is related to the indirect participation in the conflict through the support of the Yemen and Saudi Arabia’s governments in return for the assistance in the counterterrorism efforts in the Middle East. It is evident that while the influence of the United States on the Yemeni affairs is dormant, there is extended displeasure among the country’s Houthi rebels which has informed the attacks on the government since the year 2004. The Yemen conflict can be deemed as ideologically motivated in that, the assertions from the rebels groups include the need for independency from western influence and infiltration of the country’s government by foreign nations including the United States.

            The past actions by the United Nations regarding the conflict in Yemen have been confined to sanctions on the country and the individuals directly involved in the conflict. However, it is evident that the efforts by the United Nations have not brought forth the desired results in that, while previous leaderships of the Houthi rebel group have been suppressed, absolute peace has not been attained. Also, The United Nations contributions to the attainment of peace in Yemen have included the brokering of peace talks between the conflicting rebels groups and the government. The quest to attain stability in Yemen through the calls for cease fires and campaigns against the deliberate violations of the human rights are deemed as significant efforts derived by the United Nations towards resolving the Yemen situation.

            The practical solution to the Yemen conflicts is founded on the social empowerment of the citizens as opposed to the treaties between the major political players. Taking the example of Hadi’s government, the country attained a moment of peace, however, the instances of corruption, neglect of social amenities and the focus on personal political interests among the politicians curtailed the attainment of collective social progress and peace from the 50-50 government. It is evident that the motivation behind rebel groups in the country is the neglect from the central government. Here, the first step in attaining stability in Yemen will be the formation of an all-inclusive government and thereafter embarking on social reforms, address of historical injustices such as the return of grabbed lands and cultural integration. Increasing the capacity building in Yemen will allow for the creation of individual independence, unity and the prevention of marginalization.

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